Aspose::Words::TabStop class

TabStop class

Represents a single custom tab stop. The TabStop object is a member of the TabStopCollection collection. To learn more, visit the Aspose.Words Document Object Model (DOM) documentation article.

class TabStop : public System::Object


Equals(const System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Words::TabStop>&)Compares with the specified TabStop.
get_Alignment() constGets or sets the alignment of text at this tab stop.
get_IsClear()Returns true if this tab stop clears any existing tab stops in this position.
get_Leader() constGets or sets the type of the leader line displayed under the tab character.
get_Position()Gets the position of the tab stop in points.
GetHashCode() const overrideCalculates hash code for this object.
GetType() const override
Is(const System::TypeInfo&) const override
set_Alignment(Aspose::Words::TabAlignment)Setter for Aspose::Words::TabStop::get_Alignment.
set_Leader(Aspose::Words::TabLeader)Setter for Aspose::Words::TabStop::get_Leader.
TabStop(double)Initializes a new instance of this class.
TabStop(double, Aspose::Words::TabAlignment, Aspose::Words::TabLeader)Initializes a new instance of this class.
static Type()


Normally, a tab stop specifies a position where a tab stop exists. But because tab stops can be inherited from parent styles, it might be needed for the child object to define explicitly that there is no tab stop at a given position. To clear an inherited tab stop at a given position, create a TabStop object and set Alignment to Clear.

For more information see TabStopCollection.


Shows how to modify the position of the right tab stop in TOC related paragraphs.

auto doc = MakeObject<Document>(MyDir + u"Table of contents.docx");

// Iterate through all paragraphs with TOC result-based styles; this is any style between TOC and TOC9.
for (const auto& para : System::IterateOver(doc->GetChildNodes(NodeType::Paragraph, true)->LINQ_OfType<SharedPtr<Paragraph>>()))
    if (para->get_ParagraphFormat()->get_Style()->get_StyleIdentifier() >= StyleIdentifier::Toc1 &&
        para->get_ParagraphFormat()->get_Style()->get_StyleIdentifier() <= StyleIdentifier::Toc9)
        // Get the first tab used in this paragraph, this should be the tab used to align the page numbers.
        SharedPtr<TabStop> tab = para->get_ParagraphFormat()->get_TabStops()->idx_get(0);

        // Replace the first default tab, stop with a custom tab stop.
        para->get_ParagraphFormat()->get_TabStops()->Add(tab->get_Position() - 50, tab->get_Alignment(), tab->get_Leader());

doc->Save(ArtifactsDir + u"Styles.ChangeTocsTabStops.docx");

See Also