Parameter class

Parameter class

The parameter. The parameter element declares parametric information regarding its parent element.

Inheritance: ParameterColladaElement

The Parameter type exposes the following members:


initConstructs a new instance of Parameter


nameGets or sets the name.
The name attribute is the text string name of this element.
Optional attribute.
sidGets or sets the sid.
The sid attribute is a text string value containing the sub-identifier of this element.
This value must be unique within the scope of the parent element.
Optional attribute.
semanticGets or sets the semantic.
The semantic attribute is the user-defined meaning of the parameter.
Optional attribute.
value_typeGets or sets the value type.
The type attribute indicates the type of the value data.
This text string must be understood by the application.
Required attribute.
valueGets or sets the value.

See Also