GaussWienerFilterOptions class

GaussWienerFilterOptions class

Gauss Wiener Filter Options Deblur gauss

Inheritance: GaussWienerFilterOptionsDeconvolutionFilterOptionsFilterOptionsBase

The GaussWienerFilterOptions type exposes the following members:


initInitializes a new instance of the GaussWienerFilterOptions class.


snrGets or sets the SNR(signal-to-noise ratio)
recommended range 0.002 - 0.009, default value = 0.007
brightnessGets or sets the brightness.
recommended range 1 - 1.5
default value = 1.15
grayscaleGets or sets a value indicating whether this DeconvolutionFilterOptions is grayscale.
Return grayscale mode or RGB mode.
radiusGets or sets the radius.
smoothGets or sets the smooth.

See Also