Aspose::Cells::DataSorter class

DataSorter class

Summary description for DataSorter.

class DataSorter


AddColorKey(int32_t key, SortOnType type, SortOrder order, const Aspose::Cells::Color& color)Adds color sort key.
AddKey(int32_t key, SortOrder order)Adds sorted column index and sort order.
AddKey(int32_t key, SortOrder order, const U16String& customList)Adds sorted column index and sort order with custom sort list.
AddKey(int32_t key, SortOrder order, const char16_t* customList)Adds sorted column index and sort order with custom sort list.
AddKey(int32_t key, SortOnType type, SortOrder order, const Aspose::Cells::Object& customList)Adds sorted column index and sort order with custom sort list.
AddKey(int32_t key, SortOrder order, const Vector <U16String>& customList)Adds sorted column index and sort order with custom sort list.
Clear()Clear all settings.
DataSorter(DataSorter_Impl* impl)Constructs from an implementation object.
DataSorter(const DataSorter& src)Copy constructor.
GetCaseSensitive()Gets and sets whether case sensitive when comparing string.
GetHasHeaders()Represents whether the range has headers.
GetKey1()Represents first sorted column index(absolute position, column A is 0, B is 1, …).
GetKey2()Represents second sorted column index(absolute position, column A is 0, B is 1, …).
GetKey3()Represents third sorted column index(absolute position, column A is 0, B is 1, …).
GetKeys()Gets the key list of data sorter.
GetOrder1()Represents sort order of the first key.
GetOrder2()Represents sort order of the second key.
GetOrder3()Represents sort order of the third key.
GetSortAsNumber()Indicates whether sorting anything that looks like a number.
GetSortLeftToRight()True means that sorting orientation is from left to right. False means that sorting orientation is from top to bottom. The default value is false.
IsNull() constChecks whether the implementation object is nullptr.
explicit operator bool() constoperator bool()
operator=(const DataSorter& src)operator=
SetCaseSensitive(bool value)Gets and sets whether case sensitive when comparing string.
SetHasHeaders(bool value)Represents whether the range has headers.
SetKey1(int32_t value)Represents first sorted column index(absolute position, column A is 0, B is 1, …).
SetKey2(int32_t value)Represents second sorted column index(absolute position, column A is 0, B is 1, …).
SetKey3(int32_t value)Represents third sorted column index(absolute position, column A is 0, B is 1, …).
SetOrder1(SortOrder value)Represents sort order of the first key.
SetOrder2(SortOrder value)Represents sort order of the second key.
SetOrder3(SortOrder value)Represents sort order of the third key.
SetSortAsNumber(bool value)Indicates whether sorting anything that looks like a number.
SetSortLeftToRight(bool value)True means that sorting orientation is from left to right. False means that sorting orientation is from top to bottom. The default value is false.
Sort(const Cells& cells, int32_t startRow, int32_t startColumn, int32_t endRow, int32_t endColumn)Sorts the data of the area.
Sort(const Cells& cells, const CellArea& area)Sort the data of the area.
Sort()Sort the data in the range.


_implThe implementation object.


//Instantiate a new Workbook object.
Workbook workbook(u"Book1.xls");
//Get the workbook datasorter object.
DataSorter sorter = workbook.GetDataSorter();
//Set the first order for datasorter object.
//Define the first key.
//Set the second order for datasorter object.
//Define the second key.
//Create a cells area (range).
CellArea ca;
//Specify the start row index.
ca.StartRow = 0;
//Specify the start column index.
ca.StartColumn = 0;
//Specify the last row index.
ca.EndRow = 13;
//Specify the last column index.
ca.EndColumn = 1;
//Sort data in the specified data range (A1:B14)
sorter.Sort(workbook.GetWorksheets().Get(0).GetCells(), ca);
//Save the excel file.


See Also