Aspose::Cells::HyperlinkCollection class

HyperlinkCollection class

Encapsulates a collection of Hyperlink objects.

class HyperlinkCollection


Add(int32_t firstRow, int32_t firstColumn, int32_t totalRows, int32_t totalColumns, const U16String& address)Adds a hyperlink to a specified cell or a range of cells.
Add(int32_t firstRow, int32_t firstColumn, int32_t totalRows, int32_t totalColumns, const char16_t* address)Adds a hyperlink to a specified cell or a range of cells.
Add(const U16String& cellName, int32_t totalRows, int32_t totalColumns, const U16String& address)Adds a hyperlink to a specified cell or a range of cells.
Add(const char16_t* cellName, int32_t totalRows, int32_t totalColumns, const char16_t* address)Adds a hyperlink to a specified cell or a range of cells.
Add(const U16String& startCellName, const U16String& endCellName, const U16String& address, const U16String& textToDisplay, const U16String& screenTip)Adds a hyperlink to a specified cell or a range of cells.
Add(const char16_t* startCellName, const char16_t* endCellName, const char16_t* address, const char16_t* textToDisplay, const char16_t* screenTip)Adds a hyperlink to a specified cell or a range of cells.
Clear()Clears all hyperlinks.
Get(int32_t index)Gets the Hyperlink element at the specified index.
HyperlinkCollection(HyperlinkCollection_Impl* impl)Constructs from an implementation object.
HyperlinkCollection(const HyperlinkCollection& src)Copy constructor.
IsNull() constChecks whether the implementation object is nullptr.
explicit operator bool() constoperator bool()
operator=(const HyperlinkCollection& src)operator=
RemoveAt(int32_t index)Remove the hyperlink at the specified index in this collection.


_implThe implementation object.


//Instantiating a Workbook object
Workbook workbook;

//Obtaining the reference of the newly added worksheet by passing its sheet index
Worksheet worksheet = workbook.GetWorksheets().Get(0);

//Get Hyperlinks Collection
HyperlinkCollection hyperlinks = worksheet.GetHyperlinks();

//Adding a hyperlink to a URL at "A1" cell
hyperlinks.Add(u"A1", 1, 1, u"");

//Saving the Excel file

See Also