Aspose::Cells::Object class

Object class

Object class.

class Object


AsDouble() constConverts the object to a double value, if object is number type.
AsInt32() constConverts the object to an int32_t value, if object is number type.
GetNumberType() constGets the NumberType of the object.
GetObjPtr() constInternal use.
GetType() constGets the ObjectType of the object.
IsBool() constChecks whether the object is a bool value.
IsDate() constChecks whether the object is a Date value.
IsDouble() constChecks whether the object is a double value.
IsInt32() constChecks whether the object is an int32_t value.
IsNull() constChecks whether the object is null.
IsNumber() constChecks whether the object is a number value.
IsObject() constChecks whether the object is an object pointer.
IsReferredArea() constChecks whether the object is a ReferredArea pointer.
IsString() constChecks whether the object is a String value.
Object()Default constructor. Constructs an empty object.
Object(bool value)Constructs from a bool value.
Object(int8_t value)Constructs from an int8_t value.
Object(uint8_t value)Constructs from an uint8_t value.
Object(int16_t value)Constructs from an int16_t value.
Object(uint16_t value)Constructs from an uint16_t value.
Object(int32_t value)Constructs from an int32_t value.
Object(uint32_t value)Constructs from an uint32_t value.
Object(int64_t value)Constructs from an int64_t value.
Object(uint64_t value)Constructs from an uint64_t value.
Object(float value)Constructs from a float value.
Object(double value)Constructs from a double value.
Object(Date value)Constructs from a Date value.
Object(const U16String& value)Constructs from U16String value.
Object(const char16_t* value)Constructs from a const char16_t* string.
Object(ReferredArea_Impl* value)Internal use.
Object(System::ObjPtr value)Internal use.
Object(const Object& src)Copy constructor.
operator System::ObjPtr() constInternal use.
operator=(const Object& src)operator=
ToBool() constGets the bool value.
ToDate() constGets the Date value.
ToDouble() constGets the double value.
ToFloat() constGets the float value.
ToInt16() constGets the int16_t value.
ToInt32() constGets the int32_t value.
ToInt64() constGets the int64_t value.
ToInt8() constGets the int8_t value.
ToReferredArea() constGets the ReferredArea value.
ToString() constGets the String value.
ToUInt16() constGets the uint16_t value.
ToUInt32() constGets the uint32_t value.
ToUInt64() constGets the uint64_t value.
ToUInt8() constGets the uint8_t value.

See Also