Aspose::Cells::ReferredArea class

ReferredArea class

Represents a referred area by the formula.

class ReferredArea


GetEndColumn()The end column of the area.
GetEndRow()The end row of the area.
GetExternalFileName()Get the external file name if this is an external reference.
GetSheetName()Indicates which sheet this reference is in.
GetSheetNames()Names of all the worksheets this instance references to.
GetStartColumn()The start column of the area.
GetStartRow()The start row of the area.
GetValue(int32_t rowOffset, int32_t colOffset)Gets cell value with given offset from the top-left of this area.
GetValue(int32_t rowOffset, int32_t colOffset, bool calculateFormulas)Gets cell value with given offset from the top-left of this area.
GetValues()Gets cell values in this area.
GetValues(bool calculateFormulas)Gets cell values in this area.
IsArea()Indicates whether this is an area.
IsEntireColumn()Indicates whether this area contains all rows(entire column).
IsEntireRow()Indicates whether this area contains all columns(entire row).
IsExternalLink()Indicates whether this is an external link.
IsNull() constChecks whether the implementation object is nullptr.
explicit operator bool() constoperator bool()
operator=(const ReferredArea& src)operator=
ReferredArea(ReferredArea_Impl* impl)Constructs from an implementation object.
ReferredArea(const ReferredArea& src)Copy constructor.
ToString()Returns the reference address of this area. Generally it is the address of the reference which may be used in formula, such as “Sheet1!A1:C3”.


_implThe implementation object.

See Also