Field class

Field class

Contains elements that specify functions and formulas inserted in the shape’s text.

The Field type exposes the following members:


Constructor Description
Field() Constructor.


Property Description
ix The zero-based index of the element within its parent element.
value It contains the value for a text field.
display_value Gets the formatted string value of this field .
edit_mode Reserved for future use.
format Format element specifies the formatting for a text field that is a string, number, date or time, duration, or currency. The text field type is specified in the corresponding Type element.
type Type specifies a data type for the text field value.
ui_cat Specifies the category of an inserted field in versions of Microsoft Visio earlier than Visio 2000.
ui_cod Specifies the code of an inserted field in versions of Microsoft Visio earlier than Visio 2000.
ui_fmt Specifies the format of an inserted field in versions of Microsoft Visio earlier than Visio 2000.
calendar Determines the calendar that is used for custom properties, text fields, and element formulas.
object_kind Indicates the type of text field.


Method Description
clone() Creates deep copy of this instance.

See Also