
Contains classes for work with Microsoft Visio documents without utilizing Microsoft Visio.


Class Description
AbstractInterruptMonitor Monitor for interruption requests in all time-consuming operations.
Act Defines custom command names that appear on an object’s shortcut menu and specifies the actions that the commands take.
ActCollection Act collection.
Align Indicates the alignment of a shape with respect to the guide or guide point to which the shape is glued. The Align element appears only for shapes that are glued to guides or guide points.
Alignment Specifies the tab alignment.
Annotation Contains elements that contain information about comments inserted into a document page.
AnnotationCollection Annotation collection.
ArcTo Contains the x- and y-coordinates and bow of a circular arc represented respectively by the X, Y, and A elements.
ArcToCollection ArcTo collection.
ArrowSize Specifies the size of the arrowhead of the line.
AutoLinkComparison Defines a rule that compares a column in the parent DataRecordset element with a shape data item from the last successful automatic linking action performed in the user interface.
AutoSpaceOptions Represents autospace options.
Bevel Represents a bevel of a shape
BevelLightingType Specifies the type of shadow for a shape.
BevelMaterialType Specifies the type of shadow for a shape.
BevelType Specifies the type of shadow for a shape.
BoolValue Boolean value.
BuildVersionInfo Contains build version and product information.
Bullet Determines the bullet style.
Calendar Determines the calendar that is used for custom properties, text fields, and element formulas.
Case Determines the case of a shape’s text.
Char Contains the formatting attributes for the shape’s text, such as font, color, text style, case, position relative to the baseline, and point size.
CharCollection Char collection.
Collection It is base class for collections.
ColorEntry Contains a color table entry. Each color table entry specifies a standard color that is available for application to objects such as shapes, text, and layers in the document.
ColorEntryCollection Contains the document’s color table. Each document contains a single color table,
which lists the 24 standard colors that are available for application to objects
such as shapes, text, and layers in the document.
ColorValue Represents color value
CompoundType Specifies the size of the arrowhead of the line.
ConFixedCode Determines when a connector reroutes.
ConLineJumpCode Determines whether a connector jumps when two connectors cross.
ConLineJumpDirX Determines the line jump direction for line jumps occurring on a horizontal segment of a dynamic connector.
ConLineJumpDirY Determines the line jump direction for line jumps occurring on a vertical segment of a dynamic connector.
ConLineJumpStyle Determines the line jump style for line jumps on a dynamic connector.
ConLineRouteExt Determines the appearance of a connector.
ConType Specifies the type of behavior the x or y-coordinate of the control handle exhibits after the handle is moved.
Connect Represents a connection between two shapes in a drawing, such as a line and a box in an organization chart.
ConnectCollection Connect collection.
Connection Contains elements for one connection point defined for the shape.
ConnectionABCD The ConnectionABCD element is an obsolete version of the Connection element and exists only for backward compatibility.
ConnectionABCDCollection ConnectionABCD collection.
ConnectionCollection Connection collection.
ConnectorRule Represents connector rule between two shapes with a connector,Including which connection point of which shape it starts from, the end shape and its connection point.
Control Contains elements for the x- and y-coordinates of each control handle defined for a shape, and elements that specify the way the control handle should behave.
ControlCollection Control collection.
Coordinate Abstract class for the x- and y-coordinates.
CoordinateCollection Coordinate collection.
Cp Marks the beginning of a character properties run that is formatted according to the corresponding Char element. The run is defined to the end of the text or until the next
CustomProp CustomProp structure.
CustomPropCollection CustomProps collection.
CustomValue Value of property.
DataColumn Defines how a data column appears in the External Data window in the Visio user interface and qualifies the data in the column by defining its data type and formatting.
DataColumnCollection DataColumn collection.
DataConnection Abstracts communication between one or more DataRecordset elements and a non-XML data source.
DataConnectionCollection DataConnection collection.
DataRecordSet Stores, formats, refreshes, and exposes data queried from a database in Microsoft Visio.
DataRecordSetCollection DataRecordSet collection.
DateValue Date and time value.
Diagram Root element of Visio objects hierarchy.
DiagramException Base class for all Aspose.Diagram exceptions
DisplayMode When it is contained in a Group element, the DisplayMode element specifies how a group shape and its members are displayed.
When it is contained in a SmartTagDef element, the DisplayMode element determines whether the smart tag appears when the user pauses the mouse over the tag, when the shape is selected, or all the time.
DisplayModeSmartTagDef DisplayMode element determines whether the smart tag appears when the user pauses the mouse over the tag, when the shape is selected, or all the time.
DocProps Contains elements that control the document’s preview quality, scope, and output format.
DocumentProperties Contains document property elements such as the document’s title, author, and so on.
DocumentSettings Contains elements that specify document settings.
DocumentSheet Specifies a document’s ShapeSheet structure.
DoubleValue Double value
DrawingResizeType Determines whether the drawing page resizes automatically to fit the diagram.
DrawingScaleType Specifies the type of drawing scale to use for a page.
DrawingSizeType Specifies the drawing size of a page.
DynFeedback Specifies the type of visual feedback provided to users when they drag a connector.
When the mouse button is released, the resulting connector shape is not affected by this setting. This element does not apply to routable connectors.
Ellipse Contains elements specifying the x- and y-coordinates of the ellipse’s center point and two points on the ellipse.
EllipseCollection Ellipse collection.
EllipticalArcTo Contains elements that specify information about an elliptical arc.
EllipticalArcToCollection EllipticalArcTo collection.
Event Contains elements that specify formulas that control shape events.
EventItem Encapsulates an event code. An EventItem element can trigger two kinds of actions: it can run an add-on, or it can send a notification of the event to the calling program.
EventItemCollection EventItem collection.
Field Contains elements that specify functions and formulas inserted in the shape’s text.
FieldCollection Field collection.
FileFontSource Represents the single TrueType font file stored in the file system.
FileFormatInfo Contains data returned by FileFormatUtil file format detection methods.
FileFormatUtil Provides utility methods for converting file format enums to strings or file extensions and back.
Fill Contains the current fill formatting values for the shape and the shape’s drop shadow, including pattern, foreground color, and background color.
Fld Indicates a text-field insertion point for the corresponding Field element.
FloatPointNumCollection Contains a collection of doubling point numbers
FolderFontSource Represents the folder that contains TrueType font files.
Font Contains information about a font.
FontCollection Contains a collection of Font elements.
FontConfigs Specifies font settings
FontSourceBase This is an abstract base class for the classes that allow the user to specify various font sources
Foreign Contains elements specifying the width and height of an object from another program used in a Microsoft Visio document. Also includes elements specifying the distance the object’s image is offset within its borders.
ForeignData Contains a MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) encoded BLOB of picture data, such as Windows metafile, bitmap, or OLE data.
FormatTxt Abstract class for formatting of text
FormatTxtCollection FormatTxt collection which contains the text of a shape.
Geom Contains elements that specify the coordinates of the vertices for the lines and arcs that make up the shape. If the shape has more than one path, there is a Geom element for each path.
GeomCollection Geom collection.
GlowEffect This class specifies a glow effect, in which a color blurred outline
is added outside the edges of the object.
GlueType Specifies whether dynamic (shape-to-shape) glue is allowed when connecting to a shape.
GradientFill Represents the gradient fill.
GradientStop Represents the gradient stop.
GradientStopCollection Represents the gradient stop collection.
GridDensity Specifies the type of horizontal/vertical grid to use for a page.
Group Contains elements that control how you add shapes to a group, move members of a group, and select groups.
HeaderFooter Contains elements for a document’s header and footer.
HeaderFooterFont Specifies the font used for the header and footer text.
Help Contains elements specifying the Shape element’s Help file topic and copyright information.
HorzAlign Specifies the horizontal alignment of text in the shape’s text block.
Hyperlink Contains elements for creating multiple jumps between a shape or drawing page and another drawing page, another file, or a Web site.
HyperlinkCollection Hyperlink collection.
IWarningCallback Callback interface of warning.
Image Contains the gamma, brightness, contrast, blur, sharpen, denoise, and transparency values for a bitmap.
IndividualFontConfigs Font configs for each Diagram object.
InfiniteLine Contains elements specifying the x- and y-coordinates of two points on an infinite line. The X and Y elements specify the x- and y-coordinates of the first point, and the A and B elements specify the x- and y-coordinates of the second point.
InfiniteLineCollection InfiniteLine collection.
IntValue Integer value
InterruptMonitor Represents all operator about the interrupt.
Issue Represents a single validation issue in the document.
IssueCollection Issue collection.
IssueTarget Depending on the target of the parent validation issue, specifies either the page, or both the page and the shape, that the parent validation issue is associated with. If the target of the parent validation issue is a document, IssueTarget specifies neither a page nor a shape.
Layer Contains elements that define a single layer and its properties for a page.
LayerCollection Layer collection.
LayerMem Contains the LayerMember element, which specifies each layer to which the shape is assigned.
Layout Contains elements that control shape placement and connector routing settings.
License Provides methods to license the component.
Line Contains elements specifying general positioning information about a shape.
LineAdjustFrom Specifies which dynamic connectors to space apart if they route on top of each other.
LineAdjustTo Specifies which dynamic connectors to line up on top of one another if they route on top of each other.
LineJumpCode Determines the dynamic connectors to which you want to add jumps.
LineJumpStyle Specifies the line jump style for all connectors on the drawing page that don’t have a local line jump style.
LineRouteExt Specifies the default appearance for all connectors on a page.
LineTo Contains x- and y-coordinates of the ending vertex of a straight line segment. These coordinates are contained in the X and Y elements, respectively.
LineToCollection LineTo collection.
LoadOptions Allows to specify additional options when loading a diagram into a Diagram object.
LocalizeFont Specifies whether the shape text should be localized (translated into another language).
Margin Specifies the margin.
Master Contains elements that define a master for the document. A master is a shape on a stencil that you use repeatedly to create drawings. When you drag a shape from a stencil onto the drawing page, the shape becomes an instance of that master, and a local copy of the master is included in the document.
MasterCollection Master collection.
MasterShortcut Specifies a master shortcut defined in the document.
MasterShortcutCollection MasterShortcut collection.
MemoryFontSource Represents the single TrueType font file stored in memory.
Metered Provides methods to set metered key.
MilestoneHelper MilestoneHelper to set property of milestone shape.
Misc Contains various elements of shapes and groups, such as those that control selection highlighting and visibility.
MoveTo Contains the x- and y-coordinates of the first vertex of a shape, or contains the x- and y-coordinates of the first vertex after a break in a path.
MoveToCollection MoveTo collection.
NURBSTo Contains the x- and y-coordinates, position of the second to last knot, position of the last weight, position of the first knot, position of the first weight, and the formula for a nonuniform rational B-spline (NURBS). This information is specified in the X, Y, A, B, C, D, and E elements, respectively.
NURBSToCollection NURBSTo collection.
ObjType Specifies whether objects are placeable or routable in diagrams when you use Microsoft Visio to lay out shapes on the drawing page.
ObjectKind Indicates the type of text field.
OutputFormat Specifies the output format for a drawing.
Page Contains elements that define a page in the document.
PageCollection Page collection.
PageLayout Contains cells that control the page layout settings for shapes and connectors, such as spacing between all shapes on the page, spacing between all connectors on the page, and routing style for all connectors on the page.
PageLineJumpDirX Specifies the direction of line jumps on horizontal segments of dynamic connectors on the drawing page for which you haven’t applied a local jump direction.
PageLineJumpDirY Specifies the direction of line jumps on vertical dynamic connectors on the drawing page for which you haven’t applied a local jump direction.
PageProps Contains cells that control page attributes, such as the page width, height, and scale.
PageSheet Contains elements that define the page sheet for a Page or Master element.
Para Contains the paragraph formatting elements for the shape’s text, such as indents, line spacing, bullets, and horizontal alignment of paragraphs.
ParaCollection Para collection.
PlaceDepth For a drawing that is laid out automatically, specifies the method by which the drawing is analyzed before creating the layout and determines the type of layout.
PlaceFlip Specifies how placeable shapes flip and/or rotate on a page when shapes are laid out using the Lay Out Shapes command in Microsoft Visio. The following hexadecimal values are allowed.
PlaceStyle Specifies how shapes are placed on the page when shapes are laid out when a user selects Lay Out Shapes (Shape menu).
PolylineTo Contains x- and y-coordinates of the last point of a polyline and a polyline formula. The coordinates are specified in the X and Y elements, and the formula is specified in the A element.
PolylineToCollection PolylineTo collection.
Pos Specifies the position of the shape’s text relative to the baseline.
Pp Specifies the beginning of a paragraph properties run. The run is defined to the end of the text or until the next
PreviewScope Specifies whether the document includes a preview, and, if so, whether the preview shows only the first page or all the pages in the document.
PrintPageOrientation Determines whether the page is printed in portrait or landscape orientation.
PrintProps Contains elements that control how the drawing page is formatted (appears) on the printer page.
Prop Contains elements for defining custom properties and elements for associating data with a shape.
PropCollection Prop collection.
Protection Locking helps prevent inadvertent changes to the shape but does not prevent Microsoft Visio from resetting values in other circumstances. It also does not protect against changes made in the ShapeSheet window.
RelCubBezTo Contains x- and y-coordinates for a RelCubBezTo’s points.
RelCubBezToCollection RelCubBezTo collection.
RelEllipticalArcTo Contains elements that specify information about an elliptical arc.Coordinates are specified as relative coordinates.
RelEllipticalArcToCollection RelEllipticalArcTo collection.
RelLineTo Contains x- and y-coordinates of the ending vertex of a straight line segment. These coordinates are contained in the X and Y elements, respectively.Coordinates are specified as relative coordinates.
RelLineToCollection RelLineTo collection.
RelMoveTo Contains the x- and y-coordinates of the first vertex of a shape, or contains the x- and y-coordinates of the first vertex after a break in a path.Coordinates are specified as relative coordinates.
RelMoveToCollection RelMoveTo collection.
RelQuadBezTo Contains x- and y-coordinates for a RelQuadBezTo’s points.
RelQuadBezToCollection RelQuadBezTo collection.
ResizeMode Specifies the current resize behavior setting for the shape when contained in a group.
Reviewer Contains elements that contain identifying information about a document reviewer.
ReviewerCollection Reviewer collection.
RotationType Specifies the type of shadow for a shape.
RouteStyle Specifies the routing style and direction for all dynamic connectors on the drawing page that don’t have a local routing style.
Row Indicates a row in the data recordset.
RowCollection Row collection.
Rule Represents a single validation rule in a diagram validation rule set.
RuleCollection Rule collection.
RuleInfo Specifies information about the validation rule that the parent validation issue pertains to.
RuleSet Represents one set of diagram validation rules.
RuleSetCollection RuleSet collection.
RuleValue Rule value.
RulerDensity Specifies the horizontal subdivisions on the ruler for the page.
RulerGrid Contains elements that specify the settings of the page’s rulers and grid.
Scratch Contains a work area for entering and testing formulas that are referred to by other elements. This element is typically used to isolate repeated complex calculations.
ScratchCollection Scratch collection.
SelectMode Specifies how the user selects a group shape and its members.
Shape Contains elements that define a shape in a Master, Page, or group shape element.
ShapeCollection Collection of Shapes.
ShapeFixedCode Specifies placement behavior for a placeable shape.
ShapePlaceFlip Specifies how a placeable shape flips and/or rotates on the page when a user selects Lay Out Shapes (Shapes menu).
ShapePlaceStyle Determines the placement style for children.
ShapePlowCode Specifies whether a placeable shape moves away when you drag another placeable shape near the shape on the drawing page.
ShapeRouteStyle Specifies the routing style and direction for a connector on the drawing page.
ShapeShdwShow Specifies the type of shadow for a shape.
ShapeShdwType Specifies the type of shadow for a shape.
ShdwType Indicates the default shadow type for a page.
SmartTagDef Contains elements that contain information for each smart tag defined for a shape or page.
SmartTagDefCollection SmartTagDef collection.
SolutionXML Contains solution-specific, well-formed XML data that is prefixed in an explicit namespace and is stored with a document.
SolutionXMLCollection SolutionXML collection.
SplineKnot Contains x- and y-coordinates for a spline’s control point and a spline’s knot, represented by the X, Y, and A elements, respectively.
SplineKnotCollection SplineKnot collection.
SplineStart Contains x- and y-coordinates for a spline’s second control point, its second knot, its first knot, the last knot, and the degree of the spline. This information is contained in the X, Y, A, B, C, and D elements, respectively.
SplineStartCollection SplineStart collection.
Str2Value String value.
StrValue String value
StreamProviderOptions Represents the stream options.
Style Specifies the character formatting applied to a range of text in the shape’s text block.
StyleProp Contains elements that control style behavior, such as whether a style includes text, line, and fill attributes.
StyleSheet Represents a style defined in a document.
StyleSheetCollection Collection of StyleSheets.
Tab Contains a collection of Tab elements.
TabCollection Contains a collection of Tab elements
TabsCollection Contains a collection of TabCollection elements
Text Contains the text of a shape.
TextBlock Contains elements that specify the alignment, margins, and default tab stop positions of text in a shape’s text block.
TextCollection Contains the text of a shape. Each item is text with character, paragraph and tabs properties.
TextDirection Specifies the direction of the characters in a text block.
TextXForm Contains elements that specify positioning information about a shape’s text block.
ThreeDFormat Represents a shape’s three-dimensional formatting.
TimeLineHelper TimeLineHelper to set property of timeline shape.
Tp Specifies the beginning of a tabs properties run. The run is defined to the end of the text or until the next
Txt Text of the shape
TypeConnection Specifies various types, based on the element in which it is contained.
TypeField Type specifies a data type for the text field value.
TypeProp Type specifies a data type for the custom property value.
UIVisibility Specifies the tab alignment.
UnitFormulaErr Specifies attributes of an element.
UnitFormulaErrV Specified attributes of an element.
User Contains a work area for entering formulas in user-specific elements that are referred to by other elements and add-on tools.
UserCollection User collection.
Validation Stores information about diagram validation for the document.
ValidationProperties Encapsulates properties related to validation for the document.
Value Value.
VerticalAlign Specifies the vertical alignment of text within the text block.
WalkPreference Specifies whether an endpoint of a 1-D shape moves to a horizontal or vertical connection point on the shape it is glued to, using dynamic glue, when the shape is moved to an ambiguous position.
WarningInfo Warning info
Window Represents an open window in a Microsoft Visio instance. This element contains information necessary to exactly re-create a user interface window in the application workspace when the DatadiagramML file is initially opened by Visio.
WindowCollection Window collection.
XForm Contains elements that control line attributes for a shape, such as pattern, weight, and color. These elements determine whether the line ends are formatted (for example, with an arrowhead), the size of line end formats, radius of the rounding circle applied to the line, and line cap style (round or square).
XForm1D Contains x- and y-coordinates of the begin point and end point of a 1-D shape. This element appears for 1-D shapes only.
XJustify The x-offset of the smart tag button relative to the point defined by the X and Y elements.
YJustify Specifies the y-offset of the smart tag button relative to the point defined by the X and Y elements.


Enumeration Description
AlignNameValue Optional int. Specifies whether the master’s text in the stencil window is aligned left, right, or center.
AlignmentValue Specifies the tab alignment.
ArrowSizeValue Specifies the size of the arrowhead of the line.
BOOL Boolean.
BevelLightingTypeValue Represents a preset light right that can be applied to a shape
BevelMaterialTypeValue Describes surface appearance of a shape.
BevelPresetType Represents a preset for a type of bevel which can be applied to a shape in 3D.
BevelTypeValue Represents a preset for a type of bevel which can be applied to a shape in 3D.
BulletValue Determines the bullet style.
CalendarValue Determines the calendar that is used for custom properties, text fields, and element formulas.
CaseValue Determines the case of a shape’s text.
All capital (uppercase) letters (1) and initial capital letters (2) do not change the appearance of text that was entered in all capital letters. The text must be entered in lowercase letters for these options to show an effect.
CompoundTypeValue Represents style of drawing lines.
CompressionType This attribute is only meaningful if the foreign data is a raster-based foreign object, such as a DIB, JPG, PNG, TIFF, or GIF file. The value indicates the type of compression applied to the file.
ConFixedCodeValue Determines when a connector reroutes.
ConLineJumpCodeValue Determines whether a connector jumps when two connectors cross.
ConLineJumpDirXValue Determines the line jump direction for line jumps occurring on a horizontal segment of a dynamic connector.
ConLineJumpDirYValue Determines the line jump direction for line jumps occurring on a vertical segment of a dynamic connector.
ConLineJumpStyleValue Determines the line jump style for line jumps on a dynamic connector.
ConLineRouteExtValue Determines the appearance of a connector.
ConValue Specifies the type of behavior the x or y-coordinate of the control handle exhibits after the handle is moved.
ConnectedShapesFlags Filters the array of returned shape IDs by the directionality of the connectors.
ConnectorsTypeValue May be one of the following values: RightAngle, StraightLines, or CurvedLines. Only relevant when WindowType is specified as Drawing or Sheet.
ContainerTypeValue May be one of the following values: Document, Page, or Master. Only relevant when WindowType is specified as Drawing or Sheet.
ContextTypeValue Specifies properties of the group or shape to use for the comparison. Possible values are shown in the following table.
CountryCode Represents Diagram country identifiers.
DisplayModeSmartTagDefValue DisplayMode element determines whether the smart tag appears when the user pauses the mouse over the tag, when the shape is selected, or all the time.
DisplayModeValue When it is contained in a Group element, the DisplayMode element specifies how a group shape and its members are displayed.
When it is contained in a SmartTagDef element, the DisplayMode element determines whether the smart tag appears when the user pauses the mouse over the tag, when the shape is selected, or all the time.
DrawingResizeTypeValue Determines whether the drawing page resizes automatically to fit the diagram.
DrawingScaleTypeValue Specifies the type of drawing scale to use for a page.
DrawingSizeTypeValue Specifies the drawing size of a page.
DynFeedbackValue Specifies the type of visual feedback provided to users when they drag a connector.
When the mouse button is released, the resulting connector shape is not affected by this setting. This element does not apply to routable connectors.
EmfRenderSetting Setting for rendering Emf metafile.
FileFormatType Enumerates spreadsheet file format types
FillType Fill format type.
FontSourceType Specifies the type of a font source.
ForeignType Data type.
FromPartValue The part of a shape from which a connection originates.
GlueSettings The bit values indicate that a specific glue setting is on or off. The value may be a sum of the values:
GlueSettingsValue Specifies the objects that shapes glue to when glue is enabled in the document.
GlueTypeValue Specifies whether dynamic (shape-to-shape) glue is allowed when connecting to a shape.
GluedShapesFlags Specifies constants that identify which shapes to return, based on the dimensionality and directionality of the connection points that are glued to a particular shape; passed to the Shape.GluedShapes method.
GradientDirectionType Represents all direction type of gradient.
GradientFillDir Specifies the type of the fill color gradient of a shape
GradientFillType Represents all Gradient fill type.
GradientStyleType Represents gradient shading style.
GridDensityValue Specifies the type of horizontal/vertical grid to use for a page.
HorzAlignValue Specifies the horizontal alignment of text in the shape’s text block.
IconSizeValue Optional int. The size of the element’s icon.
LightRigDirectionType Represents the light rig direction type.
LineAdjustFromValue Specifies which dynamic connectors to space apart if they route on top of each other.
LineAdjustToValue Specifies which dynamic connectors to line up on top of one another if they route on top of each other.
LineJumpCodeValue Determines the dynamic connectors to which you want to add jumps.
LineJumpStyleValue Specifies the line jump style for all connectors on the drawing page that don’t have a local line jump style.
LineRouteExtValue Specifies the default appearance for all connectors on a page.
LoadFileFormat Enumeration for loading diagram format selection.
LocalizeFontValue Specifies whether the shape text should be localized (translated into another language).
MeasureConst Units of\
ObjTypeValue Specifies whether objects are placeable or routable in diagrams when you use Microsoft Visio to lay out shapes on the drawing page.
ObjectKindValue Indicates the type of text field.
ObjectType If the ForeignType attribute is “Object”, the ForeignData element must also have an ObjectType attribute.
OptionsValue Optional unsigned integer. Options to apply to the data recordset. Possible values can be any combination of one or more of those shown in the following table.
OutputFormatValue Specifies the output format for a drawing.
PageLineJumpDirXValue Specifies the direction of line jumps on horizontal segments of dynamic connectors on the drawing page for which you haven’t applied a local jump direction.
PageLineJumpDirYValue Specifies the direction of line jumps on vertical dynamic connectors on the drawing page for which you haven’t applied a local jump direction.
PinPosValue Specifies the pin position for the shape.
PlaceDepthValue For a drawing that is laid out automatically, specifies the method by which the drawing is analyzed before creating the layout and determines the type of layout.
PlaceFlipValue Specifies how placeable shapes flip and/or rotate on a page when shapes are laid out using the Lay Out Shapes command in Microsoft Visio. The following hexadecimal values are allowed.
PlaceStyleValue Specifies how shapes are placed on the page when shapes are laid out when a user selects Lay Out Shapes (Shape menu).
PosValue Specifies the position of the shape’s text relative to the baseline.
PresetCameraType Represent different algorithmic methods for setting all camera properties, including position.
PresetColorMatricsValue Used to set Shape theme style’s color property
PresetQuickStyleValue Specifies the theme quick style value
PresetShadowType Represents preset shadow type.
PresetStyleMatricsValue Used to set Shape theme style property
PresetThemeValue Specifies the theme value
PresetThemeVariantValue Specifies the theme Variant value
PreviewScopeValue Specifies whether the document includes a preview, and, if so, whether the preview shows only the first page or all the pages in the document.
PrintPageOrientationValue Determines whether the page is printed in portrait or landscape orientation.
PropType Type of Property.
RectangleAlignmentType Represents how to position two rectangles relative to each other.
RemoveHiddenInfoItem Specifies the remove hidden info for the diagram.
ResizeModeValue Specifies the current resize behavior setting for the shape when contained in a group.
RotationTypeValue Specifies the type of projection of the effect properties of a shape
RouteStyleValue Specifies the routing style and direction for all dynamic connectors on the drawing page that don’t have a local routing style.
RulerDensityValue Specifies the horizontal subdivisions on the ruler for the page.
SaveFileFormat Enumeration for saving diagram format selection.
SelectModeValue Specifies how the user selects a group shape and its members.
ShapeFixedCodeValue Specifies placement behavior for a placeable shape.
ShapePlaceFlipValue Specifies how a placeable shape flips and/or rotates on the page when a user selects Lay Out Shapes (Shapes menu).
ShapePlaceStyleValue Determines the placement style for children.
ShapePlowCodeValue Specifies whether a placeable shape moves away when you drag another placeable shape near the shape on the drawing page.
ShapeRouteStyleValue Specifies the routing style and direction for a connector on the drawing page.
ShapeShdwShowValue Specifies the type of shadow for a shape.
ShapeShdwTypeValue Specifies the type of shadow for a shape.
ShdwTypeValue Indicates the default shadow type for a page.
SnapExtensions Specifies whether a specific snap extension setting is enabled or disabled for the active window. The value can be a sum of the values.
SnapExtensionsValue Specifies whether a specific snap extension setting is enabled or disabled for the active window. The value can be a sum of the values in the following table.
SnapSettings Specifies the objects that shapes snap to when snap is active in the window. The value may be a sum of the values.
SnapSettingsValue Specifies the objects that shapes snap to when snap is active in the window
StyleValue Specifies the character formatting applied to a range of text in the shape’s text block.
TextDirectionValue Specifies the direction of the characters in a text block.
ToPartValue The part of a shape to which a connection is made.
TypeConnectionValue Specifies various types, based on the element in which it is contained.
TypeFieldValue Type specifies a data type for the text field value.
TypePropValue Type specifies a data type for the custom property value.
TypeValue Optional enumeration. The type of a shape.
UIVisibilityValue Specifies the tab alignment.
VerticalAlignValue Specifies the vertical alignment of text within the text block.
VisRuleTargetsValue Specifies contents that define the target of the validation rule; passed to and returned by the ValidationRule.TargetType property.
WalkPreferenceValue Specifies whether an endpoint of a 1-D shape moves to a horizontal or vertical connection point on the shape it is glued to, using dynamic glue, when the shape is moved to an ambiguous position.
WarningType WarningType
WindowStateValue An integer specifying bit flags. This attribute can be a sum of the following values.
WindowTypeValue An enumerated value that may be one of the following: Drawing, Sheet, Stencil, or Icon. A Window element of WindowType=‘Stencil’ must appear after its parent drawing window (WindowType=‘Drawing’) and before any other drawing window elements.
XJustifyValue The x-offset of the smart tag button relative to the point defined by the X and Y elements.
YJustifyValue Specifies the y-offset of the smart tag button relative to the point defined by the X and Y elements.