

Class Description
ActiveXControl Represents the ActiveX control.
ActiveXControlBase Represents the ActiveX control.
CheckBoxActiveXControl Represents a CheckBox ActiveX control.
ComboBoxActiveXControl Represents a ComboBox ActiveX control.
CommandButtonActiveXControl Represents a command button.
ImageActiveXControl Represents the image control.
LabelActiveXControl Represents the label ActiveX control.
ListBoxActiveXControl Represents a ListBox ActiveX control.
RadioButtonActiveXControl Represents a RadioButton ActiveX control.
ScrollBarActiveXControl Represents the ScrollBar control.
SpinButtonActiveXControl Represents the SpinButton control.
TextBoxActiveXControl Represents a text box ActiveX control.
ToggleButtonActiveXControl Represents a ToggleButton ActiveX control.
UnknownControl Unknow control.


Enumeration Description
ActiveXPersistenceType Represents the persistence method to persist an ActiveX control.
CheckValueType Represents the check value type of the check box.
ControlBorderType Represents the border type of the ActiveX control.
ControlCaptionAlignmentType Represents the position of the Caption relative to the control.
ControlListStyle Represents the visual appearance of the list in a ListBox or ComboBox.
ControlMatchEntryType Represents how a ListBox or ComboBox searches its list as the user types.
ControlMousePointerType Represents the type of icon displayed as the mouse pointer for the control.
ControlPictureAlignmentType Represents the alignment of the picture inside the Form or Image.
ControlPicturePositionType Represents the location of the control’s picture relative to its caption.
ControlPictureSizeMode Represents how to display the picture.
ControlScrollBarType Represents the type of scroll bar.
ControlScrollOrientation Represents type of scroll orientation
ControlSpecialEffectType Represents the type of special effect.
ControlType Represents all type of ActiveX control.
DropButtonStyle Represents the symbol displayed on the drop button.
InputMethodEditorMode Represents the default run-time mode of the Input Method Editor.
ShowDropButtonType Specifies when to show the drop button