GluedShapesFlags enumeration

GluedShapesFlags enumeration

Specifies constants that identify which shapes to return, based on the dimensionality and directionality of the connection points that are glued to a particular shape; passed to the Shape.GluedShapes method.

The GluedShapesFlags type exposes the following members:


Field Description
GLUED_SHAPES_ALL_1D Return IDs of all 1-D shapes that are glued to this shape.
GLUED_SHAPES_INCOMING_1D Return IDs of 1-D shapes whose end points are glued to this shape.
GLUED_SHAPES_OUTGOING_1D Return IDs of 1-D shapes whose begin points are glued to this shape.
GLUED_SHAPES_ALL_2D Return all 2-D shapes that are glued to this shape and all 2-D shapes to which this shape is glued.
GLUED_SHAPES_INCOMING_2D If the source object is a 1-D shape, return IDs of 2-D shape to which the begin point is glued.
If the source object is a 2-D shape, return IDs of 2-D shapes that are glued to this shape.
GLUED_SHAPES_OUTGOING_2D If the source object is a 1-D shape, return IDs of 2-D shape to which the end point is glued.
If the source object is a 2-D shape, return IDs of 2-D shapes to which this shape is glued.

See Also