MasterShortcut class

MasterShortcut class

Specifies a master shortcut defined in the document.

The MasterShortcut type exposes the following members:


Constructor Description
MasterShortcut() Constructor.


Property Description
id The unique ID of the element within its parent element.
name The name of the element.
name_u The universal name of the element.
icon_size The size of the element’s icon.
pattern_flags Determines whether a master behaves as a custom pattern.
prompt The status bar and tool tip prompt for the element.
shortcut_url A URL to a MasterShortcut element. If this attribute is present, this MasterShortcut element is a shortcut.
shortcut_help A help string for the element.
align_name Specifies whether the element’s text in the stencil window is aligned left, right, or center.
icon Specifies a MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) encoded binary icon (in .ico format) for a Master or MasterShortcut element in a document.

See Also