SaveFileFormat enumeration

SaveFileFormat enumeration

Enumeration for saving diagram format selection.

The SaveFileFormat type exposes the following members:


Field Description
VDX MS Visio Vdx xml format.
VSX MS Visio Vsx xml stencil format.
VTX MS Visio Vst xml template format.
TIFF Tiff image format.
PNG Png image format.
BMP Bmp image format.
EMF EMF image format.
JPEG Jpeg image format.
PDF Pdf format.
XPS Xps format.
GIF Gif format.
HTML Html format.
SVG Svg format.
SWF Swf format.
XAML Xaml format.
VSDX MS Visio 2013 Vsdx file format.
VSTX MS Visio 2013 Vstx file format,Template file.
VSSX MS Visio 2013 Vssx file format
VSDM MS Visio Vsdm file format which enable macros.
VSSM MS Visio Vssm file format which enable macros.
VSTM MS Visio Vstm file format which enable macros.

See Also