TextXForm class

TextXForm class

Contains elements that specify positioning information about a shape’s text block.

The TextXForm type exposes the following members:


Property Description
txt_pin_x Specifies the x-coordinate of the text block’s center of rotation in relation to the origin of the shape. The default formula, which evaluates to the horizontal center of the shape, is F=“Width*0.5”.
txt_pin_y Specifies the y-coordinate of the text block’s center of rotation in relation to the origin of the shape. The default formula, which evaluates to the vertical center of the shape, is F=“Height*0.5”.
txt_width Specifies the width of the text block. The default formula, which evaluates to the width of the shape, is F=“Width*1”.
txt_height Specifies the height of the text block. The default formula, which evaluates to the height of the shape, is F=“Height*1”.
txt_loc_pin_x Specifies the x-coordinate of the text block’s center of rotation in relation to the origin of the text block. The default formula, which evaluates to the horizontal center of the text block, is F=“TxtWidth*0.5”.
txt_loc_pin_y Specifies the y-coordinate of the text block’s center of rotation relative to the origin of the text block. The default formula, which evaluates to the vertical center of the text block, is F=“TxtHeight*0.5”.
txt_angle Specifies the text block’s current angle of rotation in relation to the x-axis of the shape. The default is 0 degrees.


Method Description
clone() Creates deep copy of this instance.

See Also