
TransferProfile class

Intrabank transfer profile class.

public class TransferProfile


Name Description
TransferProfile() Initializes a new instance of TransferProfile class.


Name Description
CanLoan { get; set; } Gets or sets whether supports loan transfers.
CanModificationModels { get; set; } Gets or sets whether permit modifications to models.
CanModificationTransfers { get; set; } Gets or sets whether permit modifications to transfers.
CanRecurring { get; set; } Gets or sets whether supports recurring transfers.
CanRecurringLoan { get; set; } Gets or sets whether supports recurring transfers of loans.
CanScheduled { get; set; } Gets or sets whether Supports scheduled transfers.
CanScheduledLoan { get; set; } Gets or sets whether supports scheduled transfers of loans.
DaysWith { get; set; } Gets or sets the number of days before processing date that funds are withdrawn,
DefaultDaysToPay { get; set; } Gets or sets the default number of days to pay.
ModelWindow { get; set; } Gets or sets the model window, the number of days before a recurring transaction is scheduled to be processed that it is instantiated on the system
ProcessingDaysOffs { get; set; } Gets or sets the days of week that no processing occurs.
ProcessingEndTime { get; set; } Gets or sets the time of day that day’s processing ends.

See Also