
Class Description
AbstractInvestmentBuyTransaction Abstract base class of investment buy transaction related classes.
AbstractInvestmentSellTransaction Abstract base class of investment sell transaction related classes.
AbstractInvestmentTransaction Abstract base class of investment transaction(not buy/sell) related classes.
AbstractInvestmentTransactionBase Abstract base class of investment transaction related classes.
AbstractOpenOrder Abstract base class for all open order related classes.
AbstractPositionBase Abstract base class of investment position related classes.
BuyDebt Investment buy debt transaction class.
BuyMutualFund Investment buy mutual fund transaction class.
BuyOption Investment buy option transaction class.
BuyOther Investment buy other transaction class.
BuyStock Investment buy stock transaction class.
ClosureOption Investment close a position for an option transaction class.
ContributionAmt Contribution amount allocation class.
ContributionPct Contribution percent allocation class.
ContributionSecurity Contribution security class.
Contributions 401(k) contribution class, this includes loan payments.
Earnings 401(k) earnings class. This is the market value change. It includes dividends/interest, and capital gains - realized and unrealized.
GeneralOpenOrder The class contains fields common to all open orders.
IncPosition Include investment positions in response.
InceptToDate Total contributions to date (since inception)
Income Investment income class.
Investment401k Investment 401(k) account information class.
Investment401kBalance The class contains an optional cash balance. It also contains the balances of the standard 401(k) sub-accounts.
Investment401kSummary List of contributions to 401(k) account.
InvestmentBalance Investment balances class.
InvestmentBankTransaction This class is used to download bank transactions in an investment statement download.
InvestmentBuy Investment buy transaction class.
InvestmentClosing This class provides image information for client retrieval of investment statement images.
InvestmentExpense Investment expense class.
InvestmentMailRequest Investment email request class.
InvestmentMailResponse Investment email response class.
InvestmentMailSyncRequest Investment email Synchronization request class.
InvestmentMailSyncResponse Investment email Synchronization response class.
InvestmentMailTransactionRequest Investment email transaction request class.
InvestmentMailTransactionResponse Investment email transaction response class.
InvestmentOpenOrderList Investment open order list class.
InvestmentPosition The class contains fields relevant to all investment position types.
InvestmentPositionList Investment position list class.
InvestmentSell Investment sell transaction class.
InvestmentStatementEndRequest Closing statement request class.
InvestmentStatementEndResponse Closing statement response class.
InvestmentStatementEndTransactionRequest Investment closing statement transaction request class.
InvestmentStatementEndTransactionResponse Investment closing statement transaction response class.
InvestmentStatementRequest Investment statement request class.
InvestmentStatementResponse Investment statement response class.
InvestmentStatementTransactionRequest Investment statement transaction request class
InvestmentStatementTransactionResponse Investment statement transaction response class.
InvestmentTransaction This class contains fields common to many of the investment transactions.
InvestmentTransactionList Investment transaction list class.
JournalFund Journaling cash holdings between sub-accounts within the same investment account.
JournalSecurity Journaling security holdings between subaccounts within the same investment account.
LoanInfo Loans outstanding against the account
MarginInterest Investment margin interest class.
MatchInfo This class contains employer match information.
OpenOrderBuyDebt Open order buy debt class.
OpenOrderBuyMutualFund Open order buy mutual fund class.
OpenOrderBuyOption Open order buy option class.
OpenOrderBuyOther Open order buy other class.
OpenOrderBuyStock Open order buy stock class.
OpenOrderSellDebt Open order sell debt class.
OpenOrderSellMutualFund Open order sell mutual fund class.
OpenOrderSellOption Open order sell option class.
OpenOrderSellOther Open order sell other class.
OpenOrderSellStock Open order sell stock class.
OpenOrderSwitchMutualFund Open order switch mutual fund class.
PeriodToDate The contributions to date for period.
PositionDebt Investment position debt class.
PositionMutualFund Investment position debt class.
PositionOption Investment position option class.
PositionOther Investment position other class.
PositionStock Investment position stock class.
Reinvest Reinvestment of income class.
ReturnOfCapital Return of capital class.
SellDebt Investment sell debt class.
SellMutualFund Investment sell mutual fund class.
SellOption Investment sell option class.
SellOther Investment sell other type of security class.
SellStock Investment sell stock class.
Split Investment stock or mutual fund split class.
Transfer Investment transfer class.
VestInfo Vest change dates. Provides the vesting percentage as of any particular past, current, or future date.
Withdrawals 401(k) withdrawals class, this includes loan withdrawals.
YearToDate Contributions to date for this calendar year.


Enumeration Description
BuyEnum Buy type enum.
ContributionPctTypeEnum Contribution pecent type enum.
ContributionTypeEnum Contribution allocation type.
DurationEnum Duration enum.
InOutEnum Transfer action type enum.
IncomeEnum Investment income type enum.
OptionActionEnum Option action type enum.
OptionBuyEnum Option buy type enum.
OptionSellEnum Option sell enum.
PositionTypeEnum Position type enum.
RelatedEnum Related option transaction type enum.
RestrictionEnum Restriction enum.
SecuredEnum Secured type enum.
SellReasonEnum Sell reason enum.
SellTypeEnum Sell type enum.
SubAccountEnum Sub account type enum.
UnitTypeEnum Unit type enum.