
AsposeOcr class

Main API for Aspose OCR library

The AsposeOcr type exposes the following members:


AsposeOcr()Initializes a new instance of the AsposeOcr class.
Empty constructor.


recognize(images)Recognizes text on images / documents.
Supports GIF, PNG, JPEG, BMP, TIFF, JFIF, stream, directory, arrays, archives.
recognize_street_photo(images)Extract text from street photos, traffic camera images, ID cards, driver licenses, and other images with sparse text and noisy/colored backgrounds.
Supports GIF, PNG, JPEG, BMP, TIFF, JFIF, stream, directory, arrays, archives.
recognize(images, settings)Recognizes text on images / documents.
Supports GIF, PNG, JPEG, BMP, TIFF, JFIF, stream, directory, arrays, archives.
recognize_handwritten_text(images)Recognizes text on handwritten images / documents.
Supports GIF, PNG, JPEG, BMP, TIFF, JFIF, stream, directory, arrays, archives.
recognize_receipt(input)Recognizes text on receipts.
recognize_receipt(input, settings)Recognizes text on receipts.
recognize_invoice(input)Recognizes text on invoices.
recognize_invoice(input, settings)Recognizes text on invoices.
recognize_id_card(input)Recognizes text on ID card.
recognize_id_card(input, settings)Recognizes text on ID card.
recognize_car_plate(input)Recognizes text on car plate.
recognize_car_plate(input, settings)Recognizes text on car plate.
recognize_passport(input)Recognizes text on passport.
recognize_passport(input, settings)Recognizes text on passport.
recognize_lines(images)Recognizes images that contain single line of text.
Supports GIF, PNG, JPEG, BMP, TIFF, JFIF, stream, folder, arrays, archives.
recognize_lines(images, settings)Recognizes images that contain single line of text.
Supports GIF, PNG, JPEG, BMP, TIFF, JFIF, stream, folder, arrays, archives.
detect_rectangles(images)Detects text areas on images.
Supports GIF, PNG, JPEG, BMP, TIFF, JFIF, stream, folder, arrays, archives.
detect_rectangles(images, areas_type, detect_areas)Detects text areas on images.
Supports GIF, PNG, JPEG, BMP, TIFF, JFIF, stream, folder, arrays, archives.
recognize_characters(images)Detects symbols on images.
Supports GIF, PNG, JPEG, BMP, TIFF, JFIF, stream, folder, arrays, archives.
recognize_characters(images, detect_areas_mode, language)Detects symbols on images.
Supports GIF, PNG, JPEG, BMP, TIFF, JFIF, stream, folder, arrays, archives.
image_has_text(full_path, text, settings, ignore_case)Check if the image contains the provided text fragment.
compare_image_texts(full_path1, full_path2, settings, ignore_case)Check if two images contain the same text.
image_text_diff(full_path1, full_path2, settings, ignore_case)Compare the texts on the two images and return a number representing how similar they are (0 to 1).
correct_spelling(text, language, dictionary_path)Corrects text (replaces misspelled words).
save_multipage_document(full_file_name, save_format, results)
save_multipage_document(full_file_name, save_format, results, apply_spelling_correction, language, dictionary_path)
recognize_fast(images)Recognizes text on images / documents.
Supports GIF, PNG, JPEG, BMP, TIFF, JFIF, stream, directory, arrays, archives.
calculate_skew(images)Calculates the skew angles of an images.
Supports GIF, PNG, JPEG, BMP, TIFF, JFIF, stream, folder, arrays, archives.

See Also