PdfDevice class

PdfDevice class

This class encapsulates rendering of document to PDF.

Inheritance: PdfDeviceDevice

The PdfDevice type exposes the following members:


initInitializes new instance of PdfDevice with output stream.
initInitializes new instance of PdfDevice with output stream and specified size of a page.


creatorReturns or specifies creator of resulting device output.
sizeReturns or specifies a size of the page.
is_direct_rgbIndicates whether device uses direct RGB mode, that is RGB.
backgroundReturns or specifies current background of the page.
opacityReturns or specifies current opacity.
strokeReturns or specifies current stroke.
paintReturns or specifies current paint.
opacity_maskReturns or specifies current opacity mask.
char_tmReturns or specifies current characters transform.
text_rendering_modeReturns or specifies current text rendering mode.
text_stroke_widthReturns or specifies current text stroke width.
version“Version” property key.
current_page_numberCurrent page number.
output_streamSpecifies or returns an output stream.
VERSION“Version” property key.
VERSION5“Version of Adobe Acrobat Reader” property value.
TRANSPARENT“Transparent” property key.
BACKGROUNDReturns or specifies current background of the page.
BACKGROUND_COLOR“Background color” property key.
PAGE_SIZE“Page size” property key.
PAGE_MARGINS“Page margins” property key.
ORIENTATION“Orientation” property key.
FIT_TO_PAGE“Fit content to page” property key.
EMBED_FONTS“Embed font in document” property key.
EMBED_FONTS_AS“What font type is used for embedding” property key.
COMPRESS“Compress” property key.
WRITE_IMAGES_AS“Format of images” property key.
AUTHOR“Author” property value.
TITLE“Title” property value.
SUBJECT“Subject” property value.
KEYWORDS“Keywords” property value.
EMIT_WARNINGS“Emit warnings” property value.
EMIT_ERRORS“Emit errors” property value.


rotateRotate the current transform over the Z-axis. Calls writeTransform(Transform).
Rotating with a positive angle theta rotates points on the positive x axis
toward the positive y axis.
rotateRotate the current transformation matrix around a point.
draw_polylineDraws a polyline.
draw_polylineDraws a polyline.
draw_polygonDraws a polygon.
draw_polygonDraws a poligone.
fill_polygonFills a poligone.
fill_polygonFills a poligone.
open_pageMakes necessary preparation of the device before page rendering.
open_pageMakes necessary preparation of the device before each page rendering.
re_newReset device to initial state for whole document. Used for reseting output stream.
get_propertyGets a value of string property.
get_property_colorGets a value of color property.
get_property_rectangleGets a value of rectangle property.
get_property_marginsGets a value of margin property.
get_property_sizeGets a value of size property.
get_property_intGets a value of integer property.
get_property_doubleGets a value of double property.
is_propertyGets a value of boolean property.
createCreates a copy of this device.
set_transformSpecifies the current transform. Since most output formats do not
implement this functionality, the inverse transform of the
currentTransform is calculated and multiplied by the
transform to be set.The result is then forwarded by a call
to writeTransform(Transform).
get_transformGets current transform.
transformTransforms the current transformation matrix. Calls writeTransform(Transform)
translateTranslates the current transformation matrix. Calls writeTransform(Transform).
scaleScales the current transformation matrix. Calls writeTransform(Transform).
shearShears the current transformation matrix. Calls writeTransform(Transform).
init_clipInitializes clip of the device.
set_clipSpecifies the clip of the device.
drawDraws a path.
fillFills a path.
draw_stringDraws a string at given point.
draw_imageDraws an image with assigned transform and background.
start_documentMakes necessary preparation of device before start rendering of document.
end_documentMakes necessary preparation of device after the document has been rendered.
disposeDisposes the graphics context. If on creation restoreOnDispose was true,
writeGraphicsRestore() will be called.
resetIf page device parameters will be set this method allows to return writing stream back the begining of page.
write_commentWrites a comment.
draw_arcDraws an arc.
draw_lineDraws a line segment.
draw_ovalDraws an oval.
draw_rectDraws a rectangle.
draw_round_rectDraws a round rectangle.
fill_arcFills an arc.
fill_ovalFills an oval.
fill_rectFills a rectangle.
fill_round_rectFills a round rectangle.
init_page_numbersInitializes numbers of pages to output.
close_pageMakes necessary preparation of the device after page has been rendered.
update_page_parametersUpdates page parameters from other multi-paged device.

See Also