Class AvailabilityPeriodCollection

AvailabilityPeriodCollection class

Represents a collection which contains AvailabilityPeriod objects.

public class AvailabilityPeriodCollection : IList<AvailabilityPeriod>


Count { get; }Gets the number of elements contained in this collection.
IsReadOnly { get; }Gets a value indicating whether this collection is read-only; otherwise, false.
Item { get; set; }Returns or sets the element at the specified index.
ParentResource { get; }Gets the parent Resource for this object. Parent Resource object for this collection.


Add(AvailabilityPeriod)Adds the specified item to this collection.
Clear()Removes all items from this collection.
Contains(AvailabilityPeriod)Returns true if the specified item is found in this collection; otherwise, false.
CopyTo(AvailabilityPeriod[], int)Copies the elements of this collection to the specified array, starting at the specified array index.
GetEnumerator()Returns an enumerator for this collection.
IndexOf(AvailabilityPeriod)Determines the index of the specified item in this collection.
Insert(int, AvailabilityPeriod)Inserts the specified item at the specified index.
Remove(AvailabilityPeriod)Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from this collection.
RemoveAt(int)Removes an item at the specified index.


Shows how to work with availability period collection of resource.

public void WorkWithAvailabilityPeriodCollection()
    var project = new Project(DataDir + "UpdateResourceData.mpp");
    var resource = project.Resources.GetById(1);


    // Add availability periods (2012 and 2014 years) to the new resource
    IEnumerable<AvailabilityPeriod> periods = this.GetPeriods();
    foreach (var period in periods)
        if (!resource.AvailabilityPeriods.IsReadOnly)

    var period2013 = new AvailabilityPeriod { AvailableFrom = new DateTime(2013, 1, 1), AvailableTo = new DateTime(2013, 12, 12), AvailableUnits = 0.81 };

    if (!resource.AvailabilityPeriods.Contains(period2013))
        resource.AvailabilityPeriods.Insert(1, period2013);

    Console.WriteLine("Count of availability periods: " + resource.AvailabilityPeriods.Count);
    foreach (var period in resource.AvailabilityPeriods)
        Console.WriteLine("Available From: " + period.AvailableFrom);
        Console.WriteLine("Available To: " + period.AvailableTo);
        Console.WriteLine("Available Units: " + period.AvailableUnits);

    var periodsToCopy = new AvailabilityPeriod[resource.AvailabilityPeriods.Count];
    resource.AvailabilityPeriods.CopyTo(periodsToCopy, 0);

    var otherResource = project.Resources.GetById(2);
    foreach (var period in periodsToCopy)

    var period2015 = new AvailabilityPeriod { AvailableFrom = new DateTime(2015, 1, 1), AvailableTo = new DateTime(2015, 12, 12), AvailableUnits = 0.50 };

    var period2016 = new AvailabilityPeriod { AvailableFrom = new DateTime(2016, 1, 1), AvailableTo = new DateTime(2016, 12, 12), AvailableUnits = 0.53 };

    if (otherResource.AvailabilityPeriods.IndexOf(period2015) < 0)

    if (otherResource.AvailabilityPeriods.IndexOf(period2016) < 0)

    // update available units for period of 2014 year
    otherResource.AvailabilityPeriods[otherResource.AvailabilityPeriods.Count - 2].AvailableUnits = 0.90;

    // remove period of 2013

    // remove period of 2011

    Console.WriteLine("Print resource availability periods of the resource: " + otherResource.Get(Rsc.Name));
    Console.WriteLine("Count of availability periods: " + resource.AvailabilityPeriods.Count);
    foreach (var period in resource.AvailabilityPeriods)
        Console.WriteLine("Available From: " + period.AvailableFrom);
        Console.WriteLine("Available To: " + period.AvailableTo);
        Console.WriteLine("Available Units: " + period.AvailableUnits);

private IEnumerable<AvailabilityPeriod> GetPeriods()
    var periods = new List<AvailabilityPeriod>();
    var period = new AvailabilityPeriod { AvailableFrom = new DateTime(2012, 1, 1), AvailableTo = new DateTime(2012, 12, 12), AvailableUnits = 0.99 };

    var period2 = new AvailabilityPeriod { AvailableFrom = new DateTime(2014, 1, 1), AvailableTo = new DateTime(2014, 12, 12), AvailableUnits = 0.94 };
    return periods;

See Also