]OutlineCodeDefinition.EnterpriseOutlineCodeAlias property
Gets or sets a reference to another custom field for which this outline code definition is an alias.
public int EnterpriseOutlineCodeAlias { get; set; }
Shows how to work with outline code definitions.
var project = new Project(DataDir + "OutlineValues2010.mpp");
// create a new outline code definition
var outline = new OutlineCodeDefinition();
// set the field number of an outline code
outline.FieldId = ExtendedAttributeTask.OutlineCode7.ToString("D");
// set the name of a custom outline code
outline.FieldName = "Outline Code1";
// set the Guid of an outline code
outline.Guid = "e6afac06-0d86-4359-a96c-db705e3d2ca8";
// set a value indicating whether the values specified in this outline code field must be leaf values
outline.LeafOnly = false;
// set the alias of a custom outline code
outline.Alias = "My Outline Code";
// set the phonetic pronunciation of the alias of the custom outline code
outline.PhoneticAlias = "Outline Code";
// set a value indicating whether the new codes must have all levels. Not available for Enterprise Codes.
outline.AllLevelsRequired = true;
// set a value indicating whether a custom outline code is an enterprise custom outline code
outline.Enterprise = false;
// set a reference to another custom field for which this outline code definition is an alias
outline.EnterpriseOutlineCodeAlias = 0;
// add an outline mask
var mask = new OutlineMask();
mask.Type = MaskType.Characters;
// set a value indicating whether the values specified must come from values table
outline.OnlyTableValuesAllowed = false;
// set a value indicating whether the custom outline code can be used
// by the Resource Substitution Wizard in Microsoft Project
outline.ResourceSubstitutionEnabled = false;
// set a value indicating whether the indents of this outline code must be shown.
outline.ShowIndent = false;
var value = new OutlineValue();
value.Value = "Text value 1";
value.ValueId = 1;
value.Type = OutlineValueType.Text;
value.Description = "Text value descr 1";
// ...
See Also
- class OutlineCodeDefinition
- namespace Aspose.Tasks
- assembly Aspose.Tasks