Class RecurringTaskInfo

RecurringTaskInfo class

Represents the details of a recurring task in a project.

public class RecurringTaskInfo


DailyRepetitions { get; set; }Gets or sets a number of repetitions for the daily recurrence pattern.
DailyUseWorkdays { get; set; }Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use workdays for the daily recurrence pattern.
Duration { get; set; }Gets or sets the duration for one occurrence of the recurring task. the instance of Duration class.
EndDate { get; set; }Gets or sets the date for the occurrences to end.
MonthlyDay { get; set; }Gets or sets a number of day of the monthly recurrence pattern.
MonthlyOrdinalDay { get; set; }Gets or sets a day of the monthly recurrence pattern when using ordinal day. Can be one of the values of DayOfWeek enumeration.
MonthlyOrdinalNumber { get; set; }Gets or sets an ordinal number of the monthly recurrence pattern. Can be one of the values of OrdinalNumber enumeration.
MonthlyOrdinalRepetitions { get; set; }Gets or sets a number of repetitions for the monthly recurrence pattern when using ordinal day.
MonthlyRepetitions { get; set; }Gets or sets a number of repetitions for the monthly recurrence pattern.
MonthlyUseOrdinalDay { get; set; }Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use ordinal day for the monthly recurrence pattern.
Occurrences { get; set; }Gets or sets a number of occurrences of the recurring task.
RecurrencePattern { get; set; }Gets or sets a recurrence pattern of the recurring task. Can be one of the values of RecurrencePattern enumeration.
StartDate { get; set; }Gets or sets the date for the occurrences to begin.
Task { get; }Gets the parent task of this instance of RecurringTaskInfo class.
UseEndDate { get; set; }Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use the end date or a number of occurrences for the recurring task.
WeeklyDays { get; set; }Gets or sets a collection of days used in the weekly recurrence pattern.
WeeklyRepetitions { get; set; }Gets or sets a number of repetitions for the weekly recurrence pattern.
YearlyDate { get; set; }Gets or sets a date for the yearly recurrence pattern.
YearlyOrdinalDay { get; set; }Gets or sets a weekday of the yearly recurrence pattern when using ordinal day. Can be one of the values of DayOfWeek enumeration.
YearlyOrdinalMonth { get; set; }Gets or sets a month of the yearly recurrence pattern when using ordinal day. Can be one of the values of Month enumeration.
YearlyOrdinalNumber { get; set; }Gets or sets an ordinal number of the yearly recurrence pattern. Can be one of the values of OrdinalNumber enumeration.
YearlyUseOrdinalDay { get; set; }Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use ordinal day for the yearly recurrence pattern.


Shows how to read with recurring info of tasks.

var project = new Project(DataDir + "TestRecurringTask2016.mpp");

// read recurring information of tasks
foreach (var task in project.RootTask.SelectAllChildTasks())
    var info = task.RecurringInfo;
    if (info == null)

    Console.WriteLine("Start Date: " + info.StartDate);
    Console.WriteLine("Duration: " + info.Duration);
    Console.WriteLine("End Date: " + info.EndDate);
    Console.WriteLine("Daily Repetitions: " + info.DailyRepetitions);
    Console.WriteLine("Daily Use Workdays: " + info.DailyUseWorkdays);
    Console.WriteLine("Monthly Day: " + info.MonthlyDay);
    Console.WriteLine("Monthly Ordinal Day: " + info.MonthlyOrdinalDay);
    Console.WriteLine("Monthly Ordinal Number: " + info.MonthlyOrdinalNumber);
    Console.WriteLine("Monthly Ordinal Repetitions: " + info.MonthlyOrdinalRepetitions);
    Console.WriteLine("Monthly Repetitions: " + info.MonthlyRepetitions);
    Console.WriteLine("Monthly Use Ordinal Day: " + info.MonthlyUseOrdinalDay);
    Console.WriteLine("Occurrences: " + info.Occurrences);
    Console.WriteLine("Recurrence Pattern: " + info.RecurrencePattern);
    Console.WriteLine("Parent Task: " + info.Task.Get(Tsk.Name));
    Console.WriteLine("Use End Date: " + info.UseEndDate);
    Console.WriteLine("Weekly Days: " + info.WeeklyDays);
    Console.WriteLine("Weekly Repetitions: " + info.WeeklyRepetitions);
    Console.WriteLine("Yearly Date: " + info.YearlyDate);
    Console.WriteLine("Yearly Ordinal Day: " + info.YearlyOrdinalDay);
    Console.WriteLine("Yearly Ordinal Month: " + info.YearlyOrdinalMonth);
    Console.WriteLine("Yearly Ordinal Number: " + info.YearlyOrdinalNumber);
    Console.WriteLine("Yearly Use Ordinal Day: " + info.YearlyUseOrdinalDay);

See Also