
Table.Uid property

Gets the unique identifier of a table.

public int Uid { get; }


Shows how to define a new table (using for views).

var project = new Project(DataDir + "Project1.mpp");

// get a table to edit
var table = project.Tables.ToList()[0];
Console.WriteLine("Uid of the table: " + table.Uid);
Console.WriteLine("Index of the table: " + table.Index);
Console.WriteLine("Name of the table: " + table.Name);
Console.WriteLine("Type of the table: " + table.TableType);

// tune some properties
// set a value indicating whether the header row height of the table can be adjusted
table.AdjustHeaderRowHeight = true;

// set the date format of the table.
table.DateFormat = DateFormat.DateDdMmYyyy;

// set a value indicating whether the first column of a table is locked or editable
table.LockFirstColumn = true;

// set the row height in a table, where the row height is the number of lines of text
table.RowHeight = 10;

// sets a value indicating whether to show 'Add New Column' interface
table.ShowAddNewColumn = true;

// set a value indicating whether project shows the table name in the Tables drop-down list on the View tab of the Ribbon
table.ShowInMenu = true;

// lets save the updated table
project.Save(OutDir + "WorkWithTable_out.mpp", SaveFileFormat.Mpp);

See Also