Class Cad3DPointHelper

Cad3DPointHelper class

Helper class of 3D points

public static class Cad3DPointHelper


static AngleBetween3Points(Cad3DPoint, Cad3DPoint, Cad3DPoint)Angles the between3 points.
static Cross(Cad3DPoint, Cad3DPoint)The cross product of two vectors.
static Distance(this Cad3DPoint, Cad3DPoint)The distance.
static Dot(Cad3DPoint, Cad3DPoint)The dot product of two vectors.
static Inverse(this Cad3DPoint)Inverses this instance.
static Length(this Cad3DPoint)The length.
static Max(Cad3DPoint, Cad3DPoint)The maximum of two points.
static Min(Cad3DPoint, Cad3DPoint)The minimum of two points.
static RotatePoint(Cad3DPoint, Cad3DPoint, double)Rotates one point arount another one

See Also