TextBoxActiveXControl class

TextBoxActiveXControl class

Represents a text box ActiveX control.

Inheritance: TextBoxActiveXControlActiveXControlActiveXControlBase

The TextBoxActiveXControl type exposes the following members:


Property Description
type Gets the type of the ActiveX control.
width Gets and sets the width of the control in unit of point.
height Gets and sets the height of the control in unit of points.
mouse_icon Gets and sets a custom icon to display as the mouse pointer for the control.
mouse_pointer Gets and sets the type of icon displayed as the mouse pointer for the control.
fore_ole_color Gets and sets the ole color of the foreground.
back_ole_color Gets and sets the ole color of the background.
data Gets and sets the binary data of the control.
is_enabled Indicates whether the control can receive the focus and respond to user-generated events.
is_locked Indicates whether data in the control is locked for editing.
is_transparent Indicates whether the control is transparent.
is_auto_size Indicates whether the control will automatically resize to display its entire contents.
ime_mode Gets and sets the default run-time mode of the Input Method Editor for the control as it receives focus.
border_style Gets and set the type of border used by the control.
border_ole_color Gets and sets the ole color of the background.
special_effect Gets and sets the special effect of the control.
max_length Gets and sets the maximum number of characters
scroll_bars Indicates specifies whether the control has vertical scroll bars, horizontal scroll bars, both, or neither.
password_char Gets and sets a character to be displayed in place of the characters entered.
is_editable Indicates whether the user can type into the control.
integral_height Indicates whether the control will only show complete lines of text without showing any partial lines.
is_drag_behavior_enabled Indicates whether dragging and dropping is enabled for the control.
enter_key_behavior Specifies the behavior of the ENTER key.
True specifies that pressing ENTER will create a new line.
False specifies that pressing ENTER will move the focus to the next object in the tab order.
enter_field_behavior Specifies selection behavior when entering the control.
True specifies that the selection remains unchanged from last time the control was active.
False specifies that all the text in the control will be selected when entering the control.
tab_key_behavior Indicates whether tab characters are allowed in the text of the control.
hide_selection Indicates whether selected text in the control appears highlighted when the control does not have focus.
is_auto_tab Indicates whether the focus will automatically move to the next control when the user enters the maximum number of characters.
is_multi_line Indicates whether the control can display more than one line of text.
is_auto_word_selected Specifies the basic unit used to extend a selection.
True specifies that the basic unit is a single character.
false specifies that the basic unit is a whole word.
is_word_wrapped Indicates whether the contents of the control automatically wrap at the end of a line.
text Gets and set text of the control.
drop_button_style Specifies the symbol displayed on the drop button
show_drop_button_type_when Specifies the symbol displayed on the drop button

See Also