
Inheritance: java.lang.Object

All Implemented Interfaces: com.aspose.slides.IComment, com.aspose.slides.IDOMObject

public class Comment implements IComment, IDOMObject

Represents a comment on a slide.

This example shows you how to add a comment to a slide in a PowerPoint presentation.
 // Instantiates the Presentation class
 Presentation presentation = new Presentation();
 try {
    // Adds an empty slide
     // Adds an author
     ICommentAuthor author = presentation.getCommentAuthors().addAuthor("Jawad", "MF");
     // Sets the position for comments
     Point2D.Float point = new Point2D.Float();
     point.x = 0.2f;
     point.y = 0.2f;
     // Adds slide comment for an author on slide 1
     author.getComments().addComment("Hello Jawad, this is slide comment", presentation.getSlides().get_Item(0), point, new Date());
     // Adds slide comment for an author on slide 2
     author.getComments().addComment("Hello Jawad, this is second slide comment", presentation.getSlides().get_Item(1), point, new Date());
 	// Save the PowerPoint Presentation file"Comments_out.pptx", SaveFormat.Pptx);
 } finally {
     if (presentation != null) presentation.dispose();
 This example shows you how to access an existing comment on a slide in a PowerPoint presentation.
 // Instantiates the Presentation class
 Presentation presentation = new Presentation("Comments1.pptx");
 try {
     // Iterate CommentAuthors
     for (ICommentAuthor commentAuthor : presentation.getCommentAuthors())
         CommentAuthor author = (CommentAuthor) commentAuthor;
         // Iterate Comments
         for (IComment comment1 : author.getComments())
             Comment comment = (Comment) comment1;
             System.out.println("ISlide :" + comment.getSlide().getSlideNumber() + " has comment: " + comment.getText() + " with Author: " + comment.getAuthor().getName() + " posted on time :" + comment.getCreatedTime().toString() + "\n");
 } finally {
     if (presentation != null) presentation.dispose();
 This example shows you how to add comments and get replies to them.
 // Instantiates the Presentation class
 Presentation pres = new Presentation();
 try {
    // Adds a comment
     ICommentAuthor author1 = pres.getCommentAuthors().addAuthor("Author_1", "A.A.");
     IComment comment1 = author1.getComments().addComment("comment1", pres.getSlides().get_Item(0), new Point2D.Float(10, 10), new Date());
     // Adds a reply to comment1
     ICommentAuthor author2 = pres.getCommentAuthors().addAuthor("Autror_2", "B.B.");
     IComment reply1 = author2.getComments().addComment("reply 1 for comment 1", pres.getSlides().get_Item(0), new Point2D.Float(10, 10), new Date());
     // Adds another reply to comment1
     IComment reply2 = author2.getComments().addComment("reply 2 for comment 1", pres.getSlides().get_Item(0), new Point2D.Float(10, 10), new Date());
     // Adds a reply to existing reply
     IComment subReply = author1.getComments().addComment("subreply 3 for reply 2", pres.getSlides().get_Item(0), new Point2D.Float(10, 10), new Date());
     IComment comment2 = author2.getComments().addComment("comment 2", pres.getSlides().get_Item(0), new Point2D.Float(10, 10), new Date());
     IComment comment3 = author2.getComments().addComment("comment 3", pres.getSlides().get_Item(0), new Point2D.Float(10, 10), new Date());
     IComment reply3 = author1.getComments().addComment("reply 4 for comment 3", pres.getSlides().get_Item(0), new Point2D.Float(10, 10), new Date());
     // Displays the comments hierarchy on console
     ISlide slide = pres.getSlides().get_Item(0);
     IComment[] comments = slide.getSlideComments(null);
     for (int i = 0; i < comments.length; i++)
         IComment comment = comments[i];
         while (comment.getParentComment() != null)
             comment = comment.getParentComment();
         System.out.println(comments[i].getAuthor().getName() + " : " + comments[i].getText());
     // Removes comment1 and all replies to it
     comment1.remove();"remove_comment.pptx", SaveFormat.Pptx);
 } finally {
     if (pres != null) pres.dispose();


getText()Returns or sets the plain text of a slide comment.
setText(String value)Returns or sets the plain text of a slide comment.
getCreatedTime()Returns or sets the time of a comment creation.
setCreatedTime(Date value)Returns or sets the time of a comment creation.
getSlide()Returns or sets the parent slide of a comment.
getAuthor()Returns the author of a comment.
getPosition()Returns or sets the position of a comment on a slide.
setPosition(Point2D.Float value)Returns or sets the position of a comment on a slide.
remove()Removes comment and all its replies from the parent collection.
getParentComment()Gets or sets parent comment.
setParentComment(IComment value)Gets or sets parent comment.


public final String getText()

Returns or sets the plain text of a slide comment. Read/write String.

Returns: java.lang.String

setText(String value)

public final void setText(String value)

Returns or sets the plain text of a slide comment. Read/write String.




public final Date getCreatedTime()

Returns or sets the time of a comment creation. Setting this property to java.util.Date(Long.MIN_VALUE) means no comment time is set. Read/write java.util.Date.

Comment time is an optional parameter.

Returns: java.util.Date

setCreatedTime(Date value)

public final void setCreatedTime(Date value)

Returns or sets the time of a comment creation. Setting this property to java.util.Date(Long.MIN_VALUE) means no comment time is set. Read/write java.util.Date.

Comment time is an optional parameter.




public final ISlide getSlide()

Returns or sets the parent slide of a comment. Read-only ISlide.

Returns: ISlide


public final ICommentAuthor getAuthor()

Returns the author of a comment. Read-only ICommentAuthor.

Returns: ICommentAuthor


public final Point2D.Float getPosition()

Returns or sets the position of a comment on a slide. Read/write java.awt.geom.Point2D.Float.

Returns: java.awt.geom.Point2D.Float

setPosition(Point2D.Float value)

public final void setPosition(Point2D.Float value)

Returns or sets the position of a comment on a slide. Read/write java.awt.geom.Point2D.Float.




public final void remove()

Removes comment and all its replies from the parent collection.


public final IComment getParentComment()

Gets or sets parent comment. Read/write IComment.

Returns: IComment

setParentComment(IComment value)

public final void setParentComment(IComment value)

Gets or sets parent comment. Read/write IComment.




public IDOMObject getParent_Immediate()

Returns Parent_Immediate object. Read-only IDOMObject.

Returns: com.aspose.slides.IDOMObject