
All Implemented Interfaces: com.aspose.slides.IGenericCollection

public interface ISummaryZoomSectionCollection extends IGenericCollection<ISummaryZoomSection>

Represents a collection of Summary Zoom Section objects.


get_Item(int index)Gets the element at the specified index.
addSummaryZoomSection(ISection section)Creates new Summary Zoom Section object and add it to the collection
getSummarySection(ISection section)Returns Summary Zoom Section element for the given section.
removeSummaryZoomSection(ISection section)Remove Summary Zoom Section object from the collection.
indexOf(ISummaryZoomSection summaryZoomSection)Returns an index of the specified SummaryZoomSection object.
clear()Removes all SummaryZoomSection objects from the collection.

get_Item(int index)

public abstract ISummaryZoomSection get_Item(int index)

Gets the element at the specified index. Read-only ISummaryZoomSection.

The example demonstrates getting Summary Zoom Section element by index:
 Presentation pres = new Presentation("pres.pptx");
 try {
      ISummaryZoomFrame zoomFrame = (ISummaryZoomFrame)pres.getSlides().get_Item(1).getShapes().get_Item(0);
      ISummaryZoomSectionCollection collection = zoomFrame.getSummaryZoomCollection();
      ISummaryZoomSection zoomSection = collection.get_Item(1);
 } finally {
     if (pres != null) pres.dispose();



Returns: ISummaryZoomSection

addSummaryZoomSection(ISection section)

public abstract ISummaryZoomSection addSummaryZoomSection(ISection section)

Creates new Summary Zoom Section object and add it to the collection

The example demonstrates getting Summary Zoom Section element by index:
 Presentation pres = new Presentation("pres.pptx");
 try {
      ISummaryZoomFrame zoomFrame = (ISummaryZoomFrame)pres.getSlides().get_Item(1).getShapes().get_Item(0);
      ISummaryZoomSectionCollection collection = zoomFrame.getSummaryZoomCollection();
      ISummaryZoomSection newZoomSection = collection.addSummaryZoomSection(pres.getSections().get_Item(3));
 } finally {
     if (pres != null) pres.dispose();


sectionISectionSection for a new Summary Zoom Section element ISection

If an element for this section already exists in the collection, the existing element is returned. |

Returns: ISummaryZoomSection - Added ISummaryZoomFrame element

getSummarySection(ISection section)

public abstract ISummaryZoomSection getSummarySection(ISection section)

Returns Summary Zoom Section element for the given section.

The example demonstrates getting Summary Zoom Section element by index:
 Presentation pres = new Presentation("pres.pptx");
 try {
      ISummaryZoomFrame zoomFrame = (ISummaryZoomFrame)pres.getSlides().get_Item(1).getShapes().get_Item(0);
      ISummaryZoomSectionCollection collection = zoomFrame.getSummaryZoomCollection();
      ISummaryZoomSection selectedObject = collection.getSummarySection(pres.getSections().get_Item(2));
 } finally {
     if (pres != null) pres.dispose();


sectionISectionSection to find ISection

Returns: ISummaryZoomSection - ISummaryZoomSection or null if collection does not contains element for the section.

removeSummaryZoomSection(ISection section)

public abstract void removeSummaryZoomSection(ISection section)

Remove Summary Zoom Section object from the collection.

The example demonstrates getting Summary Zoom Section element by index:
 Presentation pres = new Presentation("pres.pptx");
 try {
      ISummaryZoomFrame zoomFrame = (ISummaryZoomFrame)pres.getSlides().get_Item(1).getShapes().get_Item(0);
      ISummaryZoomSectionCollection collection = zoomFrame.getSummaryZoomCollection();
 } finally {
     if (pres != null) pres.dispose();


sectionISectionSection for which the Summary Zoom Section element is to be removed ISection.

indexOf(ISummaryZoomSection summaryZoomSection)

public abstract int indexOf(ISummaryZoomSection summaryZoomSection)

Returns an index of the specified SummaryZoomSection object.

The example demonstrates getting Summary Zoom Section element by index:
 Presentation pres = new Presentation("pres.pptx");
 try {
      ISummaryZoomFrame zoomFrame = (ISummaryZoomFrame)pres.getSlides().get_Item(1).getShapes().get_Item(0);
      ISummaryZoomSectionCollection collection = zoomFrame.getSummaryZoomCollection();
      ISummaryZoomSection selectedObject = collection.getSummarySection(pres.getSections().get_Item(2));
      int idx = collection.indexOf(selectedObject);
 } finally {
     if (pres != null) pres.dispose();


summaryZoomSectionISummaryZoomSectionSummaryZoomSection object to find ISummaryZoomSection.

Returns: int - Index of a SummaryZoomSection object or -1 if SummaryZoomSection object not from this collection.


public abstract void clear()

Removes all SummaryZoomSection objects from the collection.

The example demonstrates getting Summary Zoom Section element by index:
 Presentation pres = new Presentation("pres.pptx");
 try {
      ISummaryZoomFrame zoomFrame = (ISummaryZoomFrame)pres.getSlides().get_Item(1).getShapes().get_Item(0);
      ISummaryZoomSectionCollection collection = zoomFrame.getSummaryZoomCollection();
 } finally {
     if (pres != null) pres.dispose();