Struct VertexBuilderTvGTvMTvS
VertexBuilder<TvG,TvM,TvS> structure
Represents an individual vertex object.
public struct VertexBuilder<TvG, TvM, TvS> : IEquatable<VertexBuilder>, IVertexBuilder
where TvG : struct, IVertexGeometry
where TvM : struct, IVertexMaterial
where TvS : struct, IVertexSkinning
Parameter | Description |
TvG | The vertex fragment type with Position, Normal and Tangent.Valid types are: |
TvM | The vertex fragment type with Colors, Texture Coordinates, and custom attributes.Valid types are: |
TvS | The vertex fragment type with Skin Joint Weights.Valid types are: |
Name | Description |
VertexBuilder(ref TvG) | |
VertexBuilder(ref TvG, params (int JointIndex, float Weight)[]) | |
VertexBuilder(TvG, SparseWeight8) | |
VertexBuilder(ref TvG, ref TvM) | |
VertexBuilder(ref TvG, ref TvS) | |
VertexBuilder(ref TvG, ref TvM, params (int JointIndex, float Weight)[]) | |
VertexBuilder(ref TvG, ref TvM, ref SparseWeight8) | |
VertexBuilder(ref TvG, ref TvM, ref TvS) | |
Name | Description |
static Create(ref Vector3) | |
static Create(ref Vector3, ref Vector3) | |
static Create(ref Vector3, ref Vector3, ref Vector4) | |
static CreateFrom(IVertexBuilder) | |
override Equals(object) | |
Equals(VertexBuilder) | |
override GetHashCode() | |
TransformedBy(ref Matrix4x4) | |
Validate() | |
WithGeometry(ref Vector3) | |
WithGeometry(ref Vector3, ref Vector3) | |
WithGeometry(ref Vector3, ref Vector3, ref Vector4) | |
WithMaterial(params Vector2[]) | |
WithMaterial(ref Vector4, params Vector2[]) | |
WithMaterial(ref Vector4, Vector4, params Vector2[]) | |
WithSkinning(params (int Index, float Weight)[]) | |
WithSkinning(IEnumerable<(int Index, float Weight)>) | |
WithSkinning(ref SparseWeight8) | |
static AreEqual(ref VertexBuilder, ref VertexBuilder) | |
static CreateCompatibleMesh(string) | |
static CreateCompatibleMesh<TMaterial>(string) | |
operator == | |
implicit operator | (4 operators) |
operator != | |
See Also