
EvaluateTriangles(this Scene, RuntimeOptions, Animation, float)

Yields a collection of triangles representing the geometry in world space.

public static IEnumerable<(IVertexBuilder A, IVertexBuilder B, IVertexBuilder C, Material Material)> 
    EvaluateTriangles(this Scene scene, RuntimeOptions options = null, Animation animation = null, 
    float time = 0)
sceneSceneA Scene instance.
optionsRuntimeOptionsEvaluation options.
animationAnimationAn Animation instance, or null.
timeSingleThe animation time.

Return Value

A collection of triangles in world space.

See Also

EvaluateTriangles<TvG,TvM>(this Scene, RuntimeOptions, Animation, float)

Yields a collection of triangles representing the geometry in world space.

public static IEnumerable<EvaluatedTriangle<TvG, TvM, VertexEmpty>> EvaluateTriangles<TvG, TvM>(
    this Scene scene, RuntimeOptions options = null, Animation animation = null, float time = 0)
    where TvG : struct, IVertexGeometry
    where TvM : struct, IVertexMaterial
TvGThe vertex fragment type with Position, Normal and Tangent.
TvMThe vertex fragment type with Colors and Texture Coordinates.
sceneA Scene instance.
optionsEvaluation options.
animationAn Animation instance, or null.
timeThe animation time.

Return Value

A collection of triangles in world space.

See Also

EvaluateTriangles(this Mesh, IGeometryTransform)

public static IEnumerable<(IVertexBuilder A, IVertexBuilder B, IVertexBuilder C, Material Material)> 
    EvaluateTriangles(this Mesh mesh, IGeometryTransform xform = null)

See Also

EvaluateTriangles(this MeshPrimitive, IGeometryTransform)

public static IEnumerable<(IVertexBuilder A, IVertexBuilder B, IVertexBuilder C, Material Material)> 
    EvaluateTriangles(this MeshPrimitive prim, IGeometryTransform xform = null)

See Also

EvaluateTriangles<TvG,TvM,TvS>(this Mesh, IGeometryTransform)

public static IEnumerable<EvaluatedTriangle<TvG, TvM, TvS>> EvaluateTriangles<TvG, TvM, TvS>(
    this Mesh mesh, IGeometryTransform xform = null)
    where TvG : struct, IVertexGeometry
    where TvM : struct, IVertexMaterial
    where TvS : struct, IVertexSkinning

See Also