SVGSaveOptions class

SVGSaveOptions class

Allows to specify additional options when rendering diagram pages to SVG.

Inheritance: SVGSaveOptionsRenderingSaveOptionsSaveOptions

The SVGSaveOptions type exposes the following members:


Constructor Description
SVGSaveOptions() Initializes a new instance of this class that can be used to save a document in the SaveFileFormat format.


Property Description
save_format Specifies the format in which the document will be saved if this save options object is used.
default_font When characters in the diagram are unicode and not be set with correct font value or the font is not installed locally,
they may appear as block in pdf, image or XPS.
Set the DefaultFont such as MingLiu or MS Gothic to show these characters.
warning_callback Gets or sets warning callback.
page_size Gets or sets the page size for the generated images.
Can be PageSize or null.
shapes Gets or sets shapes to render. Default count is 0.
area Gets or sets the area of the shapes will be saved .
export_guide_shapes Defines whether need exporting the guide shapes or not.
is_export_comments Defines whether need exporting the comments or not.
enlarge_page Specifies whether enlarge page .
emf_render_setting Setting for rendering Emf metafile.
page_index Gets or sets the 0-based index of the page to render. Default is 0.
export_hidden_page Defines whether need exporting the hidden page or not.
quality Gets or sets a value determining the quality of the generated images
to apply only when saving pages to the Jpeg format. The default value is 100
svg_fit_to_view_port if this property is true, the generated svg will fit to view port.
export_element_as_rect_tag Defines whether need exporting rectangle elements as rect tag or not.
is_export_scale_in_matrix Defines whether need export scale in matrix or not.
is_saving_image_separately Defines whether Saving Image Separately.
is_saving_custom_line_pattern Defines whether Saving custom line pattern.
custom_image_path The user custom path(URL) saved in generated svg file for the image. If not defined by user, Current directory will be used.


Method Description
create_save_options(save_format) Creates a save options object of a class suitable for the specified save format.

See Also