TextAnimation.AddEffect method
Add new effect to the end of current sequence to end of group text animations. Only valid if count of text paragraphs equal or greater of counts effect of this group!
public IEffect AddEffect(EffectType effectType, EffectSubtype subtype,
EffectTriggerType triggerType)
Parameter | Type | Description |
effectType | EffectType | Type of an animation effect EffectType |
subtype | EffectSubtype | Subtypes of animation effect EffectSubtype |
triggerType | EffectTriggerType | Trigger type of effect EffectTriggerType |
Return Value
New effect object IEffect
See Also
- interface IEffect
- enum EffectType
- enum EffectSubtype
- enum EffectTriggerType
- class TextAnimation
- namespace Aspose.Slides.Animation
- assembly Aspose.Slides