
ImageCollection class

Represents collection of PPImage.

public sealed class ImageCollection : DomObject<Presentation>, IImageCollection


Count { get; }Returns a number of images in the collection. Read-only Int32.
IsSynchronized { get; }Returns a value indicating whether access to the collection is synchronized (thread-safe). Read-only Boolean.
Item { get; }Gets the element at the specified index. Read-only IPPImage.
SyncRoot { get; }Returns a synchronization root. Read-only Object.


AddImage(byte[])Adds an image to a presentation from specified buffer.
AddImage(Image)Add an image to a presentation.
AddImage(IPPImage)Adds a copy of an image from an another presentation.
AddImage(ISvgImage)Add an image to a presentation from Svg object.
AddImage(MemoryStream)Add an image to a presentation from stream.
AddImage(Stream)Add an image to a presentation from stream.
AddImage(Stream, LoadingStreamBehavior)Creates and adds an image to a presentation from stream.
CopyTo(Array, int)Copies all elements from the collection to the specified array.
GetEnumerator()Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.

See Also