
IShape.GetBasePlaceholder method

Returns a basic placeholder shape (shape from the layout and/or master slide that the current shape is inherited from). A null is returned if the current shape is not inherited.

public IShape GetBasePlaceholder()


// get all (master/layout/slide) animated effects of the placeholder shape
using (Presentation pres = new Presentation("sample.pptx"))
    ISlide slide = pres.Slides[0];
    IShape shape = slide.Shapes[0];
    IEffect[] shapeEffects = slide.LayoutSlide.Timeline.MainSequence.GetEffectsByShape(shape);

    IShape layoutShape = shape.GetBasePlaceholder();
    IEffect[] layoutShapeEffects = slide.LayoutSlide.Timeline.MainSequence.GetEffectsByShape(layoutShape);

    IShape masterShape = layoutShape.GetBasePlaceholder();
    IEffect[] masterShapeEffects = slide.LayoutSlide.MasterSlide.Timeline.MainSequence.GetEffectsByShape(masterShape);

See Also