
MasterLayoutSlideCollection class

Represents a collections of all layout slides of defined master slide. Extends LayoutSlideCollection class with methods for adding/inserting/removing/cloning/reordering layout slides in context of the individual collections of master’s layout slides.

public sealed class MasterLayoutSlideCollection : LayoutSlideCollection, 


Count { get; }Returns the number of layout slides in a collection. Read-only Int32.
IsSynchronized { get; }Returns a value indicating whether access to the collection is synchronized (thread-safe). Read-only Boolean.
Item { get; }Returns the layout slide by index. Read-only LayoutSlide.
SyncRoot { get; }Returns a synchronization root. Read-only Object.


Add(SlideLayoutType, string)Adds a new layout slide to the end of the collection.
AddClone(ILayoutSlide)Adds a copy of a specified layout slide to the end of the collection.
CopyTo(Array, int)Copies all elements from the collection to the specified array.
GetByType(SlideLayoutType)Returns the first layout slide of specified type. A type of layout slide to find.LayoutSlide with specified type or null if no layouts found.
GetEnumerator()Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.
Insert(int, SlideLayoutType, string)Inserts a new layout slide to specified position of the collection.
InsertClone(int, ILayoutSlide)Inserts a copy of a specified layout slide to specified position of the collection.
Remove(ILayoutSlide)Removes a layout from the collection.
RemoveAt(int)Removes the element at the specified index of the collection.
RemoveUnused()Removes unused layout slides (layout slides whose HasDependingSlides is false).
Reorder(int, ILayoutSlide)Moves layout slide from the collection to the specified position.

See Also