
MasterLayoutSlideCollection.Insert method

Inserts a new layout slide to specified position of the collection.

public ILayoutSlide Insert(int index, SlideLayoutType layoutType, string layoutName)
indexInt32Index of new slide.
layoutTypeSlideLayoutTypeLayout type for a new layout. Supported layout types: Title, TitleOnly, Blank, TitleAndObject, VerticalText, VerticalTitleAndText, TwoObjects, SectionHeader, TwoTextAndTwoObjects, TitleObjectAndCaption, PictureAndCaption, Custom. Other layout types are not supported now: Text, TwoColumnText, Table, TextAndChart, ChartAndText, Diagram, Chart, TextAndClipArt, ClipArtAndText, TextAndObject, ObjectAndText, Object, TextAndMedia, MediaAndText, ObjectOverText, TextOverObject, TextAndTwoObjects, TwoObjectsAndText, TwoObjectsOverText, FourObjects, ClipArtAndVerticalText, VerticalTitleAndTextOverChart, ObjectAndTwoObject, TwoObjectsAndObject.
layoutNameStringName for a new layout. If passed name is already in use the ArgumentException will be thrown. If null parameter is passed then name genarated atomatically in regards to passed layout type (for example “Title Slide” or “1_Title Slide”, “2_..”, etc.).

Return Value

Inserted slide.


NotImplementedExceptionThrown if unsupported value of parameter layoutType is passed. Layout types that are not supported now: Text, TwoColumnText, Table, TextAndChart, ChartAndText, Diagram, Chart, TextAndClipArt, ClipArtAndText, TextAndObject, ObjectAndText, Object, TextAndMedia, MediaAndText, ObjectOverText, TextOverObject, TextAndTwoObjects, TwoObjectsAndText, TwoObjectsOverText, FourObjects, ClipArtAndVerticalText, VerticalTitleAndTextOverChart, ObjectAndTwoObject, TwoObjectsAndObject.
ArgumentExceptionThrown if layout name value layoutName is already in use in this collection of the layouts.


Inserted layout for value SlideLayoutType.Custom of layoutType contains no placeholders and no shapes.

See Also