
InsertClone(int, ISlide)

Inserts a copy of a specified slide to specified position of the collection.

public ISlide InsertClone(int index, ISlide sourceSlide)
indexInt32Index of new slide.
sourceSlideISlideSlide to clone.

Return Value

Inserted slide.


When cloning a slide between different presentations slide’s master can be cloned too. Internal registry is used to track automatically cloned masters to prevent creation of multiple clones of the same master slide. Manual cloning of master slides will be neither prevented nor registered. If you need more control over cloning process use InsertClone or InsertClone for cloning slides and AddClone for cloning masters.


The following example shows how to clone at another position within Presentation.

// Instantiate Presentation class that represents a presentation file
using (Presentation pres = new Presentation("CloneWithInSamePresentation.pptx"))
    // Clone the desired slide to the end of the collection of slides in the same presentation
    ISlideCollection slds = pres.Slides;
    // Clone the desired slide to the specified index in the same presentation
    slds.InsertClone(2, pres.Slides[1]);
    // Write the modified presentation to disk
    pres.Save("Aspose_CloneWithInSamePresentation_out.pptx", SaveFormat.Pptx);

The following example shows how to clone at another position within Presentation.

// Instantiate Presentation class to load the source presentation file
using (Presentation srcPres = new Presentation("CloneAtEndOfAnother.pptx"))
    // Instantiate Presentation class for destination PPTX (where slide is to be cloned)
    using (Presentation destPres = new Presentation())
        ISlideCollection slds = destPres.Slides;
        slds.InsertClone(2, srcPres.Slides[0]);
        // Write the destination presentation to disk
        destPres.Save("Aspose2_out.pptx", SaveFormat.Pptx);

See Also

InsertClone(int, ISlide, ILayoutSlide)

Inserts a copy of a specified slide to specified position of the collection.

public ISlide InsertClone(int index, ISlide sourceSlide, ILayoutSlide destLayout)
indexInt32Index of new slide.
sourceSlideISlideSlide to clone.
destLayoutILayoutSlideLayout slide for a new slide.

Return Value

Inserted slide.

See Also

InsertClone(int, ISlide, IMasterSlide, bool)

Inserts a copy of a specified source slide to specified position of the collection. Appropriate layout will be selected automatically from the specified master (appropriate layout is the layout with the same Type or Name as of layout of the source slide). If there is no appropriate layout then layout of the source slide will be cloned (if allowCloneMissingLayout is true) or PptxEditException will be thrown (if allowCloneMissingLayout is false).

public ISlide InsertClone(int index, ISlide sourceSlide, IMasterSlide destMaster, 
    bool allowCloneMissingLayout)
indexInt32Index of new slide.
sourceSlideISlideSlide to clone.
destMasterIMasterSlideMaster slide for a new slide.
allowCloneMissingLayoutBooleanIf there is no appropriate layout in specified master then layout of the source slide will be cloned (if allowCloneMissingLayout is true) or PptxEditException will be thrown (if allowCloneMissingLayout is false).

Return Value

Inserted slide.


PptxEditExceptionThrown if there is no appropriate layout in specified master and allowCloneMissingLayout is false.

See Also