
The Aspose.Words.Drawing namespace provides classes that allow to create and modify drawing objects.


AdjustmentRepresents adjustment values that are applied to the specified shape.
AdjustmentCollectionRepresents a read-only collection of Adjustment adjust values that are applied to the specified shape.
FillRepresents fill formatting for an object.
GlowFormatRepresents the glow formatting for an object.
GradientStopRepresents one gradient stop.
GradientStopCollectionContains a collection of GradientStop objects.
GroupShapeRepresents a group of shapes in a document.
HorizontalRuleFormatRepresents horizontal rule formatting.
ImageDataDefines an image for a shape.
ImageSizeContains information about image size and resolution.
OleFormatProvides access to the data of an OLE object or ActiveX control.
OlePackageAllows to access OLE Package properties.
ReflectionFormatRepresents the reflection formatting for an object.
ShadowFormatRepresents shadow formatting for an object.
ShapeRepresents an object in the drawing layer, such as an AutoShape, textbox, freeform, OLE object, ActiveX control, or picture.
ShapeBaseBase class for objects in the drawing layer, such as an AutoShape, freeform, OLE object, ActiveX control, or picture.
SignatureLineProvides access to signature line properties.
SoftEdgeFormatRepresents the soft edge formatting for an object.
StrokeDefines a stroke for a shape.
TextBoxDefines attributes that specify how a text is displayed inside a shape.
TextPathDefines the text and formatting of the text path (of a WordArt object).


ArrowLengthLength of the arrow at the end of a line.
ArrowTypeSpecifies the type of an arrow at a line end.
ArrowWidthWidth of the arrow at the end of a line.
DashStyleDashed line style.
EndCapSpecifies line cap style.
FillTypeSpecifies fill type for a fillable object.
FlipOrientationPossible values for the orientation of a shape.
GradientStyleSpecifies the style for a gradient fill.
GradientVariantSpecifies the variant for a gradient fill.
HorizontalAlignmentSpecifies horizontal alignment of a floating shape, text frame or floating table.
HorizontalRuleAlignmentRepresents the alignment for the specified horizontal rule.
ImageTypeSpecifies the type (format) of an image in a Microsoft Word document.
JoinStyleLine join style.
LayoutFlowDetermines the flow of the text layout in a textbox.
PatternTypeSpecifies the fill pattern to be used to fill a shape.
PresetTextureSpecifies texture to be used to fill a shape.
RelativeHorizontalPositionSpecifies to what the horizontal position of a shape or text frame is relative.
RelativeHorizontalSizeSpecifies relatively to what the width of a shape or a text frame is calculated horizontally.
RelativeVerticalPositionSpecifies to what the vertical position of a shape or text frame is relative.
RelativeVerticalSizeSpecifies relatively to what the height of a shape or a text frame is calculated vertically.
ShadowTypeSpecifies the type of a shape shadow.
ShapeLineStyleSpecifies the compound line style of a Shape.
ShapeMarkupLanguageSpecifies Markup language used for the shape.
ShapeTextOrientationSpecifies orientation of text in shapes.
ShapeTypeSpecifies the type of shape in a Microsoft Word document.
TextBoxAnchorSpecifies values used for shape text vertical alignment.
TextBoxWrapModeSpecifies how text wraps inside a shape.
TextPathAlignmentWordArt alignment.
TextureAlignmentSpecifies the alignment for the tiling of the texture fill.
VerticalAlignmentSpecifies vertical alignment of a floating shape, text frame or a floating table.
WrapSideSpecifies what side(s) of the shape or picture the text wraps around.
WrapTypeSpecifies how text is wrapped around a shape or picture.