Performs the field update. Throws if the field is being updated already.
public void Update()
Shows how to insert a field into a document using FieldType.
Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
// Insert two fields while passing a flag which determines whether to update them as the builder inserts them.
// In some cases, updating fields could be computationally expensive, and it may be a good idea to defer the update.
doc.BuiltInDocumentProperties.Author = "John Doe";
builder.Write("This document was written by ");
builder.InsertField(FieldType.FieldAuthor, updateInsertedFieldsImmediately);
builder.Write("\nThis is page ");
builder.InsertField(FieldType.FieldPage, updateInsertedFieldsImmediately);
Assert.AreEqual(" AUTHOR ", doc.Range.Fields[0].GetFieldCode());
Assert.AreEqual(" PAGE ", doc.Range.Fields[1].GetFieldCode());
if (updateInsertedFieldsImmediately)
Assert.AreEqual("John Doe", doc.Range.Fields[0].Result);
Assert.AreEqual("1", doc.Range.Fields[1].Result);
Assert.AreEqual(string.Empty, doc.Range.Fields[0].Result);
Assert.AreEqual(string.Empty, doc.Range.Fields[1].Result);
// We will need to update these fields using the update methods manually.
Assert.AreEqual("John Doe", doc.Range.Fields[0].Result);
Assert.AreEqual("1", doc.Range.Fields[1].Result);
Shows how to format field results.
Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
// Use a document builder to insert a field that displays a result with no format applied.
Field field = builder.InsertField("= 2 + 3");
Assert.AreEqual("= 2 + 3", field.GetFieldCode());
Assert.AreEqual("5", field.Result);
// We can apply a format to a field's result using the field's properties.
// Below are three types of formats that we can apply to a field's result.
// 1 - Numeric format:
FieldFormat format = field.Format;
format.NumericFormat = "$###.00";
Assert.AreEqual("= 2 + 3 \\# $###.00", field.GetFieldCode());
Assert.AreEqual("$ 5.00", field.Result);
// 2 - Date/time format:
field = builder.InsertField("DATE");
format = field.Format;
format.DateTimeFormat = "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy";
Assert.AreEqual("DATE \\@ \"dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy\"", field.GetFieldCode());
Console.WriteLine($"Today's date, in {format.DateTimeFormat} format:\n\t{field.Result}");
// 3 - General format:
field = builder.InsertField("= 25 + 33");
format = field.Format;
int index = 0;
using (IEnumerator<GeneralFormat> generalFormatEnumerator = format.GeneralFormats.GetEnumerator())
while (generalFormatEnumerator.MoveNext())
Console.WriteLine($"General format index {index++}: {generalFormatEnumerator.Current}");
Assert.AreEqual("= 25 + 33 \\* roman \\* Upper", field.GetFieldCode());
Assert.AreEqual("LVIII", field.Result);
Assert.AreEqual(2, format.GeneralFormats.Count);
Assert.AreEqual(GeneralFormat.LowercaseRoman, format.GeneralFormats[0]);
// We can remove our formats to revert the field's result to its original form.
Assert.AreEqual(0, format.GeneralFormats.Count);
Assert.AreEqual("= 25 + 33 ", field.GetFieldCode());
Assert.AreEqual("58", field.Result);
Assert.AreEqual(0, format.GeneralFormats.Count);
See Also
- class Field
- namespace Aspose.Words.Fields
- assembly Aspose.Words
Performs a field update. Throws if the field is being updated already.
public void Update(bool ignoreMergeFormat)
Parameter | Type | Description |
ignoreMergeFormat | Boolean | If true then direct field result formatting is abandoned, regardless of the MERGEFORMAT switch, otherwise normal update is performed. |
Shows how to preserve or discard INCLUDEPICTURE fields when loading a document.
Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
FieldIncludePicture includePicture = (FieldIncludePicture)builder.InsertField(FieldType.FieldIncludePicture, true);
includePicture.SourceFullName = ImageDir + "Transparent background logo.png";
using (MemoryStream docStream = new MemoryStream())
doc.Save(docStream, new OoxmlSaveOptions(SaveFormat.Docx));
// We can set a flag in a LoadOptions object to decide whether to convert all INCLUDEPICTURE fields
// into image shapes when loading a document that contains them.
LoadOptions loadOptions = new LoadOptions
PreserveIncludePictureField = preserveIncludePictureField
doc = new Document(docStream, loadOptions);
if (preserveIncludePictureField)
Assert.True(doc.Range.Fields.Any(f => f.Type == FieldType.FieldIncludePicture));
doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "Field.PreserveIncludePicture.docx");
Assert.False(doc.Range.Fields.Any(f => f.Type == FieldType.FieldIncludePicture));
See Also
- class Field
- namespace Aspose.Words.Fields
- assembly Aspose.Words