
ShowInBalloons enumeration

Specifies which revisions are rendered in balloons.

public enum ShowInBalloons


None0Renders insert, delete and format revisions inline.
Format1Renders insert and delete revisions inline, format revisions in balloons.
FormatAndDelete2Renders insert revisions inline, delete and format revisions in balloons.


Note that revisions are not rendered in balloons for ShowInAnnotations.


Shows how to modify the appearance of revisions.

Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "Revisions.docx");

// Get the RevisionOptions object that controls the appearance of revisions.
RevisionOptions revisionOptions = doc.LayoutOptions.RevisionOptions;

// Render insertion revisions in green and italic.
revisionOptions.InsertedTextColor = RevisionColor.Green;
revisionOptions.InsertedTextEffect = RevisionTextEffect.Italic;

// Render deletion revisions in red and bold.
revisionOptions.DeletedTextColor = RevisionColor.Red;
revisionOptions.DeletedTextEffect = RevisionTextEffect.Bold;

// The same text will appear twice in a movement revision:
// once at the departure point and once at the arrival destination.
// Render the text at the moved-from revision yellow with a double strike through
// and double-underlined blue at the moved-to revision.
revisionOptions.MovedFromTextColor = RevisionColor.Yellow;
revisionOptions.MovedFromTextEffect = RevisionTextEffect.DoubleStrikeThrough;
revisionOptions.MovedToTextColor = RevisionColor.ClassicBlue;
revisionOptions.MovedFromTextEffect = RevisionTextEffect.DoubleUnderline;

// Render format revisions in dark red and bold.
revisionOptions.RevisedPropertiesColor = RevisionColor.DarkRed;
revisionOptions.RevisedPropertiesEffect = RevisionTextEffect.Bold;

// Place a thick dark blue bar on the left side of the page next to lines affected by revisions.
revisionOptions.RevisionBarsColor = RevisionColor.DarkBlue;
revisionOptions.RevisionBarsWidth = 15.0f;

// Show revision marks and original text.
revisionOptions.ShowOriginalRevision = true;
revisionOptions.ShowRevisionMarks = true;

// Get movement, deletion, formatting revisions, and comments to show up in green balloons
// on the right side of the page.
revisionOptions.ShowInBalloons = ShowInBalloons.Format;
revisionOptions.CommentColor = RevisionColor.BrightGreen;

// These features are only applicable to formats such as .pdf or .jpg.
doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "Revision.RevisionOptions.pdf");

See Also