
DocumentBuilder.InsertStructuredDocumentTag method

Inserts a StructuredDocumentTag into the document.

public StructuredDocumentTag InsertStructuredDocumentTag(SdtType type)

Return Value

The StructuredDocumentTag node that was just inserted.


Shows how to simply insert structured document tag.

Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "Rendering.docx");
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

// Note, that only following StructuredDocumentTag types are allowed for insertion:
// SdtType.PlainText, SdtType.RichText, SdtType.Checkbox, SdtType.DropDownList,
// SdtType.ComboBox, SdtType.Picture, SdtType.Date.
// Markup level of inserted StructuredDocumentTag will be detected automatically and depends on position being inserted at.
// Added StructuredDocumentTag will inherit paragraph and font formatting from cursor position.
StructuredDocumentTag sdtPlain = builder.InsertStructuredDocumentTag(SdtType.PlainText);

doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "StructuredDocumentTag.InsertStructuredDocumentTag.docx");

See Also