
FileFormatUtil.SaveFormatToExtension method

Converts a save format enumerated value into a file extension. The returned extension is a lower-case string with a leading dot.

public static string SaveFormatToExtension(SaveFormat saveFormat)


ArgumentExceptionThrows when cannot convert.


The WordML value is converted to “.wml”.

The FlatOpc value is converted to “.fopc”.


Shows how to use the FileFormatUtil methods to detect the format of a document.

// Load a document from a file that is missing a file extension, and then detect its file format.
using (FileStream docStream = File.OpenRead(MyDir + "Word document with missing file extension"))
    FileFormatInfo info = FileFormatUtil.DetectFileFormat(docStream);
    LoadFormat loadFormat = info.LoadFormat;

    Assert.AreEqual(LoadFormat.Doc, loadFormat);

    // Below are two methods of converting a LoadFormat to its corresponding SaveFormat.
    // 1 -  Get the file extension string for the LoadFormat, then get the corresponding SaveFormat from that string:
    string fileExtension = FileFormatUtil.LoadFormatToExtension(loadFormat);
    SaveFormat saveFormat = FileFormatUtil.ExtensionToSaveFormat(fileExtension);

    // 2 -  Convert the LoadFormat directly to its SaveFormat:
    saveFormat = FileFormatUtil.LoadFormatToSaveFormat(loadFormat);

    // Load a document from the stream, and then save it to the automatically detected file extension.
    Document doc = new Document(docStream);

    Assert.AreEqual(".doc", FileFormatUtil.SaveFormatToExtension(saveFormat));

    doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "File.SaveToDetectedFileFormat" + FileFormatUtil.SaveFormatToExtension(saveFormat));

See Also