
ParagraphCollection class

Provides typed access to a collection of Paragraph nodes.

To learn more, visit the Working with Paragraphs documentation article.

public class ParagraphCollection : NodeCollection


Count { get; }Gets the number of nodes in the collection.
Item { get; }Retrieves a Paragraph at the given index. (2 indexers)


Add(Node)Adds a node to the end of the collection.
Clear()Removes all nodes from this collection and from the document.
Contains(Node)Determines whether a node is in the collection.
GetEnumerator()Provides a simple “foreach” style iteration over the collection of nodes.
IndexOf(Node)Returns the zero-based index of the specified node.
Insert(int, Node)Inserts a node into the collection at the specified index.
Remove(Node)Removes the node from the collection and from the document.
RemoveAt(int)Removes the node at the specified index from the collection and from the document.
ToArray()Copies all paragraphs from the collection to a new array of paragraphs. (2 methods)


Shows how to check whether a paragraph is a move revision.

Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "Revisions.docx");

// This document contains "Move" revisions, which appear when we highlight text with the cursor,
// and then drag it to move it to another location
// while tracking revisions in Microsoft Word via "Review" -> "Track changes".
Assert.AreEqual(6, doc.Revisions.Count(r => r.RevisionType == RevisionType.Moving));

ParagraphCollection paragraphs = doc.FirstSection.Body.Paragraphs;

// Move revisions consist of pairs of "Move from", and "Move to" revisions. 
// These revisions are potential changes to the document that we can either accept or reject.
// Before we accept/reject a move revision, the document
// must keep track of both the departure and arrival destinations of the text.
// The second and the fourth paragraph define one such revision, and thus both have the same contents.
Assert.AreEqual(paragraphs[1].GetText(), paragraphs[3].GetText());

// The "Move from" revision is the paragraph where we dragged the text from.
// If we accept the revision, this paragraph will disappear,
// and the other will remain and no longer be a revision.

// The "Move to" revision is the paragraph where we dragged the text to.
// If we reject the revision, this paragraph instead will disappear, and the other will remain.

See Also