
RunCollection class

Provides typed access to a collection of Run nodes.

To learn more, visit the Programming with Documents documentation article.

public class RunCollection : NodeCollection


Count { get; }Gets the number of nodes in the collection.
Item { get; }Retrieves a Run at the given index. (2 indexers)


Add(Node)Adds a node to the end of the collection.
Clear()Removes all nodes from this collection and from the document.
Contains(Node)Determines whether a node is in the collection.
GetEnumerator()Provides a simple “foreach” style iteration over the collection of nodes.
IndexOf(Node)Returns the zero-based index of the specified node.
Insert(int, Node)Inserts a node into the collection at the specified index.
Remove(Node)Removes the node from the collection and from the document.
RemoveAt(int)Removes the node at the specified index from the collection and from the document.
ToArray()Copies all runs from the collection to a new array of runs. (2 methods)


Shows how to determine the revision type of an inline node.

Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "Revision runs.docx");

// When we edit the document while the "Track Changes" option, found in via Review -> Tracking,
// is turned on in Microsoft Word, the changes we apply count as revisions.
// When editing a document using Aspose.Words, we can begin tracking revisions by
// invoking the document's "StartTrackRevisions" method and stop tracking by using the "StopTrackRevisions" method.
// We can either accept revisions to assimilate them into the document
// or reject them to change the proposed change effectively.
Assert.AreEqual(6, doc.Revisions.Count);

// The parent node of a revision is the run that the revision concerns. A Run is an Inline node.
Run run = (Run)doc.Revisions[0].ParentNode;

Paragraph firstParagraph = run.ParentParagraph;
RunCollection runs = firstParagraph.Runs;

Assert.AreEqual(6, runs.ToArray().Length);

// Below are five types of revisions that can flag an Inline node.
// 1 -  An "insert" revision:
// This revision occurs when we insert text while tracking changes.

// 2 -  A "format" revision:
// This revision occurs when we change the formatting of text while tracking changes.

// 3 -  A "move from" revision:
// When we highlight text in Microsoft Word, and then drag it to a different place in the document
// while tracking changes, two revisions appear.
// The "move from" revision is a copy of the text originally before we moved it.

// 4 -  A "move to" revision:
// The "move to" revision is the text that we moved in its new position in the document.
// "Move from" and "move to" revisions appear in pairs for every move revision we carry out.
// Accepting a move revision deletes the "move from" revision and its text,
// and keeps the text from the "move to" revision.
// Rejecting a move revision conversely keeps the "move from" revision and deletes the "move to" revision.

// 5 -  A "delete" revision:
// This revision occurs when we delete text while tracking changes. When we delete text like this,
// it will stay in the document as a revision until we either accept the revision,
// which will delete the text for good, or reject the revision, which will keep the text we deleted where it was.

See Also