
Shading class

Contains shading attributes for an object.

To learn more, visit the Programming with Documents documentation article.

public class Shading : InternableComplexAttr


BackgroundPatternColor { get; set; }Gets or sets the color that’s applied to the background of the Shading object.
BackgroundPatternThemeColor { get; set; }Gets or sets the background pattern theme color in the applied color scheme that is associated with this Shading object.
BackgroundTintAndShade { get; set; }Gets or sets a double value that lightens or darkens a background theme color.
ForegroundPatternColor { get; set; }Gets or sets the color that’s applied to the foreground of the Shading object.
ForegroundPatternThemeColor { get; set; }Gets or sets the foreground pattern theme color in the applied color scheme that is associated with this Shading object.
ForegroundTintAndShade { get; set; }Gets or sets a double value that lightens or darkens a foreground theme color.
Texture { get; set; }Gets or sets the shading texture.


ClearFormatting()Removes shading from the object.
override Equals(object)Determines whether the specified object is equal in value to the current object.
Equals(Shading)Determines whether the specified Shading is equal in value to the current Shading.
override GetHashCode()Serves as a hash function for this type.


Shows how to decorate text with borders and shading.

Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

BorderCollection borders = builder.ParagraphFormat.Borders;
borders.DistanceFromText = 20;
borders[BorderType.Left].LineStyle = LineStyle.Double;
borders[BorderType.Right].LineStyle = LineStyle.Double;
borders[BorderType.Top].LineStyle = LineStyle.Double;
borders[BorderType.Bottom].LineStyle = LineStyle.Double;

Shading shading = builder.ParagraphFormat.Shading;
shading.Texture = TextureIndex.TextureDiagonalCross;
shading.BackgroundPatternColor = Color.LightCoral;
shading.ForegroundPatternColor = Color.LightSalmon;

builder.Write("This paragraph is formatted with a double border and shading.");
doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "DocumentBuilder.ApplyBordersAndShading.docx");

Shows how to apply border and shading color while building a table.

Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

// Start a table and set a default color/thickness for its borders.
Table table = builder.StartTable();
table.SetBorders(LineStyle.Single, 2.0, Color.Black);

// Create a row with two cells with different background colors.
builder.CellFormat.Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = Color.LightSkyBlue;
builder.Writeln("Row 1, Cell 1.");
builder.CellFormat.Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = Color.Orange;
builder.Writeln("Row 1, Cell 2.");

// Reset cell formatting to disable the background colors
// set a custom border thickness for all new cells created by the builder,
// then build a second row.
builder.CellFormat.Borders.Left.LineWidth = 4.0;
builder.CellFormat.Borders.Right.LineWidth = 4.0;
builder.CellFormat.Borders.Top.LineWidth = 4.0;
builder.CellFormat.Borders.Bottom.LineWidth = 4.0;

builder.Writeln("Row 2, Cell 1.");
builder.Writeln("Row 2, Cell 2.");

doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "DocumentBuilder.TableBordersAndShading.docx");

See Also