All 2D profile classes are defined in this namespace.
Class | Description |
ArbitraryProfile | This class allows you to construct a 2D profile directly from arbitrary curve. |
CenterLineProfile | IFC compatible center line profile |
CircleShape | IFC compatible circle profile, which can be used to construct a mesh through LinearExtrusion |
CShape | IFC compatible C-shape profile that defined by parameters. The center position of the profile is in the center of the bounding box. |
EllipseShape | IFC compatible ellipse shape that defined by parameters. The center position of the profile is in the center of the bounding box. |
FontFile | Font file contains definitions for glyphs, this is used to create text profile. |
HollowCircleShape | IFC compatible hollow circle profile. |
HollowRectangleShape | IFC compatible hollow rectangular shape with both inner/outer rounding corners. |
HShape | The HShape provides the defining parameters of an ‘H’ or ‘I’ shape. |
LShape | IFC compatible L-shape profile that defined by parameters. |
MirroredProfile | IFC compatible mirror profile. This profile defines a new profile by mirroring the base profile about the y axis. |
ParameterizedProfile | The base class of all parameterized profiles. |
Profile | 2D Profile in xy plane |
RectangleShape | IFC compatible rectangular shape with rounding corners. |
Text | Text profile, this profile describes contours using font and text. |
TrapeziumShape | IFC compatible Trapezium shape defined by parameters. |
TShape | IFC compatible T-shape defined by parameters. |
UShape | IFC compatible U-shape defined by parameters. |
ZShape | IFC compatible Z-shape profile defined by parameters. |