Class Texture

Texture class

This class defines the texture from an external file.

public class Texture : TextureBase


Texture()Initializes a new instance of the Texture class.
Texture(string)Initializes a new instance of the Texture class.


Alpha { get; set; }Gets or sets the default alpha value of the texture This is valid when the AlphaSource is PixelAlpha Default value is 1.0, valid value range is between 0 and 1(Inherited from TextureBase.)
AlphaSource { get; set; }Gets or sets whether the texture defines the alpha channel. Default value is None(Inherited from TextureBase.)
Content { get; set; }Gets or sets the binary content of the texture. The embedded texture content is optional, user should load texture from external file if this is missing.
EnableMipMap { get; set; }Gets or sets if the mipmap is enabled for this texture
FileName { get; set; }Gets or sets the associated texture file.
MagFilter { get; set; }Gets or sets the filter for magnification.(Inherited from TextureBase.)
MinFilter { get; set; }Gets or sets the filter for minification.(Inherited from TextureBase.)
MipFilter { get; set; }Gets or sets the filter for mip-level sampling.(Inherited from TextureBase.)
virtual Name { get; set; }Gets or sets the name.(Inherited from A3DObject.)
Properties { get; }Gets the collection of all properties.(Inherited from A3DObject.)
UVRotation { get; set; }Gets or sets the rotation of the texture(Inherited from TextureBase.)
UVScale { get; set; }Gets or sets the UV scale.(Inherited from TextureBase.)
UVTranslation { get; set; }Gets or sets the UV translation.(Inherited from TextureBase.)
WrapModeU { get; set; }Gets or sets the texture wrap modes in U.(Inherited from TextureBase.)
WrapModeV { get; set; }Gets or sets the texture wrap modes in V.(Inherited from TextureBase.)
WrapModeW { get; set; }Gets or sets the texture wrap modes in W.(Inherited from TextureBase.)


FindProperty(string)Finds the property. It can be a dynamic property (Created by CreateDynamicProperty/SetProperty) or native property(Identified by its name)(Inherited from A3DObject.)
GetProperty(string)Get the value of specified property(Inherited from A3DObject.)
RemoveProperty(Property)Removes a dynamic property.(Inherited from A3DObject.)
RemoveProperty(string)Remove the specified property identified by name(Inherited from A3DObject.)
SetProperty(string, object)Sets the value of specified property(Inherited from A3DObject.)
SetRotation(double, double)Sets the UV rotation.(Inherited from TextureBase.)
SetScale(double, double)Sets the UV scale.(Inherited from TextureBase.)
SetTranslation(double, double)Sets the UV translation.(Inherited from TextureBase.)

See Also