Class JsonUtility

JsonUtility class

Represents the utility class of processing json.

public class JsonUtility


JsonUtility()The default constructor.


static ExportRangeToJson(Range, ExportRangeToJsonOptions)(Obsolete.) Exporting the range to json file.
static ExportRangeToJson(Range, JsonSaveOptions)Exporting the range to json file.
static ImportData(string, Cells, int, int, JsonLayoutOptions)Import the json string.



namespace Demos
    using Aspose.Cells.Utility;
    using System;

    public class JsonUtilityDemo
        public static void JsonUtilityExample()
            // Create an instance of JsonUtility
            JsonUtility jsonUtility = new JsonUtility();

            // Since the JsonUtility class does not have any properties or methods defined in the JSON,
            // we will demonstrate its instantiation and potential usage contextually.

            // Example: Assuming JsonUtility might be used for processing JSON data in some way.
            // Note: The actual usage would depend on the methods and properties available in the real class.
            // Here, we are just demonstrating the instantiation as no methods or properties are provided.

            Console.WriteLine("JsonUtility instance created successfully.");

            // Additional code to demonstrate potential usage
            // For example, if JsonUtility had a method to process JSON, it might look like this:
            // string jsonString = "{ \"name\": \"John\", \"age\": 30 }";
            // var result = jsonUtility.ProcessJson(jsonString);
            // Console.WriteLine("Processed JSON: " + result);

            // Since no methods are provided, we will end the example here.

See Also