Enum ErrorCheckType

ErrorCheckType enumeration

Represents all error check type.

public enum ErrorCheckType


EvaluationError1Ignore errors when cells contain formulas that result in an error.
EmptyCellRef2Ignore errors when formulas refer to empty cells.
NumberStoredAsText4Ignore errors when numbers are formatted as text or are preceded by an apostrophe
TextNumber4Ignore errors when numbers are formatted as text or are preceded by an apostrophe
InconsistRange8Ignore errors when formulas omit certain cells in a region.
InconsistFormula16Ignore errors when a formula in a region of your worksheet differs from other formulas in the same region.
TwoDigitTextYear32Ignore errors when formulas contain text formatted cells with years represented as 2 digits.
TextDate32Ignore errors when formulas contain text formatted cells with years represented as 2 digits.
UnlockedFormula64Ignore errors when unlocked cells contain formulas.
UnproctedFormula64Ignore errors when unlocked cells contain formulas.
TableDataValidation128Ignore errors when a cell’s value in a Table does not comply with the Data Validation rules specified.
Validation128Ignore errors when a cell’s value in a Table does not comply with the Data Validation rules specified.
CalculatedColumn129Ignore errors when cells contain a value different from a calculated column formula.



namespace Demos
    using Aspose.Cells;
    using System;

    public class ErrorCheckTypeDemo
        public static void ErrorCheckTypeExample()
            // Create a new workbook
            Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
            Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            // Access the ErrorCheckOptionCollection
            ErrorCheckOptionCollection errorCheckOptions = worksheet.ErrorCheckOptions;

            // Add a new ErrorCheckOption
            int optionIndex = errorCheckOptions.Add();
            ErrorCheckOption errorCheckOption = errorCheckOptions[optionIndex];

            // Set various error check types to false
            errorCheckOption.SetErrorCheck(ErrorCheckType.InconsistFormula, false);
            errorCheckOption.SetErrorCheck(ErrorCheckType.InconsistRange, false);
            errorCheckOption.SetErrorCheck(ErrorCheckType.TextDate, false);
            errorCheckOption.SetErrorCheck(ErrorCheckType.TextNumber, false);
            errorCheckOption.SetErrorCheck(ErrorCheckType.Validation, false);

            // Define a cell area for the error check option
            CellArea cellArea = CellArea.CreateCellArea("A1", "B10");

            // Save the workbook

See Also