
The Aspose.Email.Clients.Exchange.WebService namespace provides access to MS Exchange Server by using Exchange Web Services (EWS).


CalendarDeletionOptionsDefines parameters for item deletion
CallInformationPhone call information
DateRangeRepresents the date range
DeletionOptionsDefines parameters for item deletion
EWSClientProvides access to MS Exchange Server by using Exchange Web Services (EWS).
ExchangeCalendarEventRepresents the event in the user’s calendar
ExchangeCalendarEventCollectionRepresents the collection of ExchangeCalendarEvent
ExchangeConversationRepresents a single conversation.
ExchangeDelegatePermissionsRepresents the folder permissions for the delegate user
ExchangeDelegateUserRepresents a user who is granted access to the principal mailbox
ExchangeDelegateUserCollectionRepresents the collection of ExchangeDelegateUser
ExchangeStreamedItemRepresents the item received in ExportItems response
ExchangeTaskRepresents the exchange task information.
ExchangeUploadItemResultRepresents a result of updating or creating a streamed item
ExchangeUserAvailabilityRepresents user availability information
ExchangeUserAvailabilityCollectionRepresents the collection of ExchangeUserAvailability
ExchangeUserWorkingHoursRepresents the user working hours.
ExchangeUserWorkingHoursCollectionRepresents the collection of ExchangeUserWorkingHours
FindMessageTrackingReportOptionsRepresents options for FindMessageTrackingReport operation
GetMailTipsOptionsRepresents options for GetMailTips
GetMessageTrackingReportOptionsRepresents options for GetMessageTrackingReport operation
MailTipsRepresents values for the Mail Tips
MessageTrackingReportRepresents the information to be included in the report.
MessageTrackingReportInfoRepresents an information about the message that was found by using the FindMessageTrackingReport
OutOfOfficeMailTipRepresents OOF mail tip
RecipientTrackingEventRepresents details for a specific event in the tracking report.
ReplyBodyRepresents the OOF message response.
RestoreSettingsThe settings for the IEWSClient.Restore method
SentItemEventArgsContaining data for SentItem event.
ServerNotificationEventArgsContains event data for server notification.
SyncFolderResultResult for SyncFolder operation
SyncStateSynchronization object for folder synchronization operation.
TaskRegeneratingPatternRepresents the regenerating recurrence pattern that specifies how many days, weeks, months or years after the completion of the current task the next occurrence will be due.
UnifiedMessagingConfigurationUnified messaging configuration
UserConfigurationRepresents user configuration
UserConfigurationNameRepresents user configuration name


IAsyncEwsClientRepresents the async interface for Exchange client.
IEWSClientRepresents the interface for Exchange client.


CalendarItemCreateOrDeleteOperationRepresents options for create and delete operations
ConnectionFailureCauseConnection failure cause
DeletionTypeType of deletion
EmptyFolderOptionsEnumerates the empty folder options
EventTypesSpecifies event type
ExchangeConversationFlagStatusEnumerates the flag status for conversation.
ExchangeDelegateFolderPermissionLevelEnumerates the permissions levels which a delegate user can have on folder
ExchangeDelegateOptionsEnumerates delegation options
ExchangeListContactsOptionsEnumerates the list contacts options
ExchangeTaskStatusEnumerates the task statuses.
ExchangeUserBusynessEnumerates the user free/busy statuses
ExchangeVersionExchange server versions
ItemChoiceSpecifies property type which should be used for Exchange impersonation.
KnownFoldersSpecifies the known Exchange server folders.
MailTipsTypeEnumerates the types of mail tips
MessageTrackingReportTemplateEnumerates the types of report to display.
PhoneCallStatePhone call statuses.
SyncFolderTypeFolder synchronization types
TaskRegeneratingTypeEnumerates the types of regenerating pattern.
UpdateTaskOptionsEnumerates update task options.