CalendarDeletionOptions | Defines parameters for item deletion |
CallInformation | Phone call information |
DateRange | Represents the date range |
DeletionOptions | Defines parameters for item deletion |
EWSClient | Provides access to MS Exchange Server by using Exchange Web Services (EWS). |
ExchangeCalendarEvent | Represents the event in the user’s calendar |
ExchangeCalendarEventCollection | Represents the collection of ExchangeCalendarEvent |
ExchangeConversation | Represents a single conversation. |
ExchangeDelegatePermissions | Represents the folder permissions for the delegate user |
ExchangeDelegateUser | Represents a user who is granted access to the principal mailbox |
ExchangeDelegateUserCollection | Represents the collection of ExchangeDelegateUser |
ExchangeStreamedItem | Represents the item received in ExportItems response |
ExchangeTask | Represents the exchange task information. |
ExchangeUploadItemResult | Represents a result of updating or creating a streamed item |
ExchangeUserAvailability | Represents user availability information |
ExchangeUserAvailabilityCollection | Represents the collection of ExchangeUserAvailability |
ExchangeUserWorkingHours | Represents the user working hours. |
ExchangeUserWorkingHoursCollection | Represents the collection of ExchangeUserWorkingHours |
FindMessageTrackingReportOptions | Represents options for FindMessageTrackingReport operation |
GetMailTipsOptions | Represents options for GetMailTips |
GetMessageTrackingReportOptions | Represents options for GetMessageTrackingReport operation |
MailTips | Represents values for the Mail Tips |
MessageTrackingReport | Represents the information to be included in the report. |
MessageTrackingReportInfo | Represents an information about the message that was found by using the FindMessageTrackingReport |
OutOfOfficeMailTip | Represents OOF mail tip |
RecipientTrackingEvent | Represents details for a specific event in the tracking report. |
ReplyBody | Represents the OOF message response. |
RestoreSettings | The settings for the IEWSClient.Restore method |
SentItemEventArgs | Containing data for SentItem event. |
ServerNotificationEventArgs | Contains event data for server notification. |
SyncFolderResult | Result for SyncFolder operation |
SyncState | Synchronization object for folder synchronization operation. |
TaskRegeneratingPattern | Represents the regenerating recurrence pattern that specifies how many days, weeks, months or years after the completion of the current task the next occurrence will be due. |
UnifiedMessagingConfiguration | Unified messaging configuration |
UserConfiguration | Represents user configuration |
UserConfigurationName | Represents user configuration name |