Class ExchangeQueryBuilder

ExchangeQueryBuilder class

Represents the builder of search expression based on search filters that used by Exchange protocol.

public sealed class ExchangeQueryBuilder : MailQueryBuilder


ExchangeQueryBuilder()Initializes a new instance of the ExchangeQueryBuilder class.


Appointment { get; }Gets object with appointment properties to create query
Bcc { get; }Gets the field that allows to find messages that contain the specified string in the envelope structure’s BCC field.
Body { get; }Gets the field that allows to find messages that contain the specified string in the body of the message.
Cc { get; }Gets the field that allows to find messages that contain the specified string in the envelope structure’s CC field.
Contact { get; }Gets object with contact properties to create query
ContentClass { get; }Gets items with an specified content class.
DefaultEncoding { get; }Gets default encoding (charset) for query builder
ExtendedProperties { get; }Gets dictionary with pairs of property descriptors and comparison field to search by extended properties.
From { get; }Gets the field that allows to find messages that contain the specified string in the envelope structure’s FROM field.
InternalDate { get; }Gets the field that allows to find messages by internal date.
ItemSize { get; }Gets the field that allows to find items with a specified size.
MessageId { get; }Gets the field that allows to find messages that contain the specified string in the envelope structure’s MessageId field.
SentDate { get; }Gets the field that allows to find messages by sent date.
Subject { get; }Gets the field that allows to find messages that contain the specified string in the envelope structure’s SUBJECT field.
TaskStatus { get; }Gets the field that allows to find tasks that contains the specified status. Server compatibility: Exchange 2010 and higher
Text { get; }Gets the field that allows to find the messages that contain the specified string in the headers (subject, from, to, cc) and body of the message.
To { get; }Gets the field that allows to find messages that contain the specified string in the envelope structure’s TO field.


GetQuery()Gets the query.
HasFlags(ExchangeMessageFlag)Search messages with the specified flags.
HasNoFlags(ExchangeMessageFlag)Search messages with the unspecified flags.
Or(MailQuery, MailQuery)Search messages that match either search key. Provides disjunction between two expressions (OR).

See Also