Enum UserSettingName

UserSettingName enumeration

User settings that can be requested using GetUserSettings.

public enum UserSettingName


UserDisplayName0The display name of the user.
UserDN1The legacy distinguished name of the user.
UserDeploymentId2The deployment Id of the user.
InternalMailboxServer3The fully qualified domain name of the mailbox server.
InternalRpcClientServer4The fully qualified domain name of the RPC client server.
InternalMailboxServerDN5The legacy distinguished name of the mailbox server.
InternalEcpUrl6The internal URL of the Exchange Control Panel.
InternalEcpVoicemailUrl7The internal URL of the Exchange Control Panel for VoiceMail Customization.
InternalEcpEmailSubscriptionsUrl8The internal URL of the Exchange Control Panel for Email Subscriptions.
InternalEcpTextMessagingUrl9The internal URL of the Exchange Control Panel for Text Messaging.
InternalEcpDeliveryReportUrl10The internal URL of the Exchange Control Panel for Delivery Reports.
InternalEcpRetentionPolicyTagsUrl11The internal URL of the Exchange Control Panel for RetentionPolicy Tags.
InternalEcpPublishingUrl12The internal URL of the Exchange Control Panel for Publishing.
InternalEcpPhotoUrl13The internal URL of the Exchange Control Panel for photos.
InternalEcpConnectUrl14The internal URL of the Exchange Control Panel for People Connect subscriptions.
InternalEcpTeamMailboxUrl15The internal URL of the Exchange Control Panel for Team Mailbox.
InternalEcpTeamMailboxCreatingUrl16The internal URL of the Exchange Control Panel for creating Team Mailbox.
InternalEcpTeamMailboxEditingUrl17The internal URL of the Exchange Control Panel for editing Team Mailbox.
InternalEcpTeamMailboxHidingUrl18The internal URL of the Exchange Control Panel for hiding Team Mailbox.
InternalEcpExtensionInstallationUrl19The internal URL of the Exchange Control Panel for the extension installation.
InternalEwsUrl20The internal URL of the Exchange Web Services.
InternalEmwsUrl21The internal URL of the Exchange Management Web Services.
InternalOABUrl22The internal URL of the Offline Address Book.
InternalPhotosUrl23The internal URL of the Photos service.
InternalUMUrl24The internal URL of the Unified Messaging services.
InternalWebClientUrls25The internal URLs of the Exchange web client.
MailboxDN26The distinguished name of the mailbox database of the user’s mailbox.
PublicFolderServer27The name of the Public Folders server.
ActiveDirectoryServer28The name of the Active Directory server.
ExternalMailboxServer29The name of the RPC over HTTP server.
ExternalMailboxServerRequiresSSL30Indicates whether the RPC over HTTP server requires SSL.
ExternalMailboxServerAuthenticationMethods31The authentication methods supported by the RPC over HTTP server.
EcpVoicemailUrlFragment32The URL fragment of the Exchange Control Panel for VoiceMail Customization.
EcpEmailSubscriptionsUrlFragment33The URL fragment of the Exchange Control Panel for Email Subscriptions.
EcpTextMessagingUrlFragment34The URL fragment of the Exchange Control Panel for Text Messaging.
EcpDeliveryReportUrlFragment35The URL fragment of the Exchange Control Panel for Delivery Reports.
EcpRetentionPolicyTagsUrlFragment36The URL fragment of the Exchange Control Panel for RetentionPolicy Tags.
EcpPublishingUrlFragment37The URL fragment of the Exchange Control Panel for Publishing.
EcpPhotoUrlFragment38The URL fragment of the Exchange Control Panel for photos.
EcpConnectUrlFragment39The URL fragment of the Exchange Control Panel for People Connect.
EcpTeamMailboxUrlFragment40The URL fragment of the Exchange Control Panel for Team Mailbox.
EcpTeamMailboxCreatingUrlFragment41The URL fragment of the Exchange Control Panel for creating Team Mailbox.
EcpTeamMailboxEditingUrlFragment42The URL fragment of the Exchange Control Panel for editing Team Mailbox.
EcpExtensionInstallationUrlFragment43The URL fragment of the Exchange Control Panel for installing extension.
ExternalEcpUrl44The external URL of the Exchange Control Panel.
ExternalEcpVoicemailUrl45The external URL of the Exchange Control Panel for VoiceMail Customization.
ExternalEcpEmailSubscriptionsUrl46The external URL of the Exchange Control Panel for Email Subscriptions.
ExternalEcpTextMessagingUrl47The external URL of the Exchange Control Panel for Text Messaging.
ExternalEcpDeliveryReportUrl48The external URL of the Exchange Control Panel for Delivery Reports.
ExternalEcpRetentionPolicyTagsUrl49The external URL of the Exchange Control Panel for RetentionPolicy Tags.
ExternalEcpPublishingUrl50The external URL of the Exchange Control Panel for Publishing.
ExternalEcpPhotoUrl51The external URL of the Exchange Control Panel for photos.
ExternalEcpConnectUrl52The external URL of the Exchange Control Panel for People Connect subscriptions.
ExternalEcpTeamMailboxUrl53The external URL of the Exchange Control Panel for Team Mailbox.
ExternalEcpTeamMailboxCreatingUrl54The external URL of the Exchange Control Panel for creating Team Mailbox.
ExternalEcpTeamMailboxEditingUrl55The external URL of the Exchange Control Panel for editing Team Mailbox.
ExternalEcpTeamMailboxHidingUrl56The external URL of the Exchange Control Panel for hiding Team Mailbox.
ExternalEcpExtensionInstallationUrl57The external URL of the Exchange Control Panel for the extension installation.
ExternalEwsUrl58The external URL of the Exchange Web Services.
ExternalEmwsUrl59The external URL of the Exchange Management Web Services.
ExternalOABUrl60The external URL of the Offline Address Book.
ExternalPhotosUrl61The external URL of the Photos service.
ExternalUMUrl62The external URL of the Unified Messaging services.
ExternalWebClientUrls63The external URLs of the Exchange web client.
CrossOrganizationSharingEnabled64Indicates that cross-organization sharing is enabled.
AlternateMailboxes65Collection of alternate mailboxes.
CasVersion66The version of the Client Access Server serving the request (e.g. 14.XX.YYY.ZZZ)
EwsSupportedSchemas67Comma-separated list of schema versions supported by Exchange Web Services. The schema version values will be the same as the values of the ExchangeServerVersion enumeration.
InternalPop3Connections68The internal connection settings list for pop protocol
ExternalPop3Connections69The external connection settings list for pop protocol
InternalImap4Connections70The internal connection settings list for imap4 protocol
ExternalImap4Connections71The external connection settings list for imap4 protocol
InternalSmtpConnections72The internal connection settings list for smtp protocol
ExternalSmtpConnections73The external connection settings list for smtp protocol
InternalServerExclusiveConnect74If set to “Off” then clients should not connect via this protocol. The protocol contents are for informational purposes only.
ExternalEwsVersion75The version of the Exchange Web Services server ExternalEwsUrl is pointing to.
MobileMailboxPolicy76Mobile Mailbox policy settings.
DocumentSharingLocations77Document sharing locations and their settings.
UserMSOnline78Whether the user account is an MSOnline account.
InternalMailboxServerAuthenticationMethods79The authentication methods supported by the RPC client server.
MailboxVersion80Version of the server hosting the user’s mailbox.
SPMySiteHostURL81Sharepoint MySite Host URL.
SiteMailboxCreationURL82Site mailbox creation URL in SharePoint. It’s used by Outlook to create site mailbox from SharePoint directly.
InternalRpcHttpServer83The FQDN of the server used for internal RPC/HTTP connectivity.
InternalRpcHttpConnectivityRequiresSsl84Indicates whether SSL is required for internal RPC/HTTP connectivity.
InternalRpcHttpAuthenticationMethod85The authentication method used for internal RPC/HTTP connectivity.
ExternalServerExclusiveConnect86If set to “On” then clients should only connect via this protocol.
ExchangeRpcUrl87If set, then clients can call the server via XTC
ShowGalAsDefaultView88If set to false then clients should not show the GAL by default, but show the contact list.
AutoDiscoverSMTPAddress89AutoDiscover Primary SMTP Address for the user.
InteropExternalEwsUrl90The ‘interop’ external URL of the Exchange Web Services. By interop it means a URL to E14 (or later) server that can serve mailboxes that are hosted in downlevel server (E2K3 and earlier).
InteropExternalEwsVersion91Version of server InteropExternalEwsUrl is pointing to.
PublicFolderInformation92Public Folder (Hierarchy) information
RedirectUrl93The version appropriate URL of the AutoDiscover service that should answer this query.
EwsPartnerUrl94The URL of the Exchange Web Services for Office365 partners.
CertPrincipalName95SSL certificate name
GroupingInformation96The grouping hint for certain clients.
InternalOutlookServiceUrl98Internal OutlookService URL
ExternalOutlookServiceUrl99External OutlookService URL


Add new values to the end and keep in sync with Microsoft.Exchange.Autodiscover.ConfigurationSettings.UserConfigurationSettingName.

See Also